Installing RabbitMq

  1. Download the crmq helm chart impact-crmq-<version>.tgz.
  2. Extract the impact-crmq-<version>.tgz file:
    tar -xvfz  impact-crmq-<version>.tgz
  3. Update the hostName under the ingress in the values.yaml file as shown below.

    hostName: ""

    The RabbitMq administrator console is accessible through the edge node.

  4. Execute the following command.
    helm install -n <helm name> <helmchart.tgz file>
    For example,
    helm install -n crmq impact-crmq-2211.0.0.tgz
  5. Execute the following command and check if crmq is part of the listing.

    kubectl get pods

    Note: IMPACT IoT recommends to use the configurations that are bundled in the impact-crmq-<version>.tgz for RabbitMQ.