Software requirements

The actual software quantities to use depend on the dimensioning and availability needs. The software specification environment is built from the following components.
Note: IMPACT DC supports the versions of open source software components listed in the following table. These component versions have been evaluated and tested by Nokia. To download them, contact Nokia Global Services Center (GSC).
Component Requirement
Operating system Red Hat® Enterprise Linux- 7.6
Life Cycle and Configuration Nokia Container Manager (NCM) - 19.12 (BCMT-19.12.1)
Infrastructure platform CloudBand Infrastructure Software (CBIS) - 19A
Virtualized Infrastructure Manager CloudBand Application Manager (CBAM) - 19 MP1
Database The needed database SW depends on the choices made for your deployment. The below only defines the correct versions of all possible database SW.
  • MariaDB®

    For both containerized and non-containerized deployments - 10.3.22

  • MaxScale

    For both containerized and non-containerized deployments - 2.3.17

  • Redis® 5.0.0
  • Cassandra - DSE 6.7.7
  • Apache® Kafka™ 2.11-
  • Oracle® Enterprise Edition 12c, Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
  • Oracle GoldenGate version 12.3 OGGCORE_12.
Message broker RabbitMQ 2.3.2
Java Development Kit (JDK) OpenJDK
Nordic Enterprise Messaging Gateway (EMG) EMG 7.1
Load Balancer NGINX:1.16.12
Analytics BELK - ELK Stack-4.1.11
Monitoring Prometheus 2.4.2 and Grafana 3.11.3