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Configuring SNMP with CLI
This section provides information about configuring SNMP with CLI.
Topics in this chapter include:
SNMP Configuration Overview
This section describes how to configure SNMP components which apply to SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3 on the router.
Configuring SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c
­Alcatel-Lucent routers are based on SNMPv3. To use the routers with SNMPv1 and/or SNMPv2c, SNMP community strings must be configured. Three pre-defined access methods are available when SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c access is required. Each access method (r, rw, or rwa) is associated with an SNMPv3 access group that determines the access privileges and the scope of managed objects available. The community command is used to associate a community string with a specific access method and the required SNMP version (SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c). The access methods are:
If the predefined access groups do not meet your access requirements, then additional access groups and views can be configured. The usm-community command is used to associate an access group with an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community string.
SNMP trap destinations are configured in the config>log>snmp-trap-group context.
Configuring SNMPv3
The OS implements SNMPv3. If security features other than the default views are required, then the following parameters must be configured:
Basic SNMP Security Configuration
This section provides information to configure SNMP parameters and provides examples of common configuration tasks. The minimal SNMP parameters are:
For SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c:
For SNMPv3:
The following displays SNMP default views, access groups, and attempts parameters.
A:ALA-1>config>system>security>snmp# info detail
                view iso subtree 1
                    mask ff type included
                view no-security subtree 1
                    mask ff type included
                view no-security subtree
                    mask ff type excluded
                view no-security subtree
                    mask ff type included
                view no-security subtree
                    mask ff type included
                view no-security subtree
                    mask ff type included
                access group snmp-ro security-model snmpv1 security-level no-auth-no-
privacy read no-security notify no-security
                access group snmp-ro security-model snmpv2c security-level no-auth-no-
privacy read no-security notify no-security
                access group snmp-rw security-model snmpv1 security-level no-auth-no-
privacy read no-security write no-security notify no-security
                access group snmp-rw security-model snmpv2c security-level no-auth-no-
privacy read no-security write no-security notify no-security
                access group snmp-rwa security-model snmpv1 security-level no-auth-no-
privacy read iso write iso notify iso
                access group snmp-rwa security-model snmpv2c security-level no-auth-no-
privacy read iso write iso notify iso
                access group snmp-trap security-model snmpv1 security-level no-auth-no-
privacy notify iso
                access group snmp-trap security-model snmpv2c security-level no-auth-
no-privacy notify iso
                attempts 20 time 5 lockout 10
Configuring SNMP Components
Use the CLI syntax displayed below to configure the following SNMP scenarios:
CLI Syntax: config>system>security>snmp
attempts [count] [time minutes1] [lockout minutes2]
community community-string access-permissions [version SNMP version]
usm-community community-string group group-name
view view-name subtree oid-value
mask mask-value [type {included|excluded}]
access group group-name security-model security-model security-level security-level [context context-name [prefix-match]] [read view-name-1] [write view-name-2] [notify view-name-3]
Configuring a Community String
SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c community strings are used to define the relationship between an SNMP manager and agent. The community string acts like a password to permit access to the agent. The access granted with a community string is restricted to the scope of the configured group.
One or more of these characteristics associated with the string can be specified:
Default access features are pre-configured by the agent for SNMPv1/SNMPv2c.
Use the following CLI syntax to configure community options:
CLI Syntax: config>system>security>snmp
community community-string access-permissions [version SNMP version]
The following displays an SNMP community configuration example:
*A:cses-A13>config>system>security>snmp# info
                community "uTdc9j48PBRkxn5DcSjchk" hash2 rwa version both
                community "Lla.RtAyRW2" hash2 r version v2c
                community "r0a159kIOfg" hash2 r version both
Configuring View Options
Use the following CLI syntax to configure view options:
CLI Syntax: config>system>security>snmp
view view-name subtree oid-value
mask mask-value [type {included|excluded}]
The following displays a view configuration example:
*A:cses-A13>config>system>security>snmp# info
                view "testview" subtree "1"
                    mask ff
                view "testview" subtree ""
                    mask ff type excluded
                community "uTdc9j48PBRkxn5DcSjchk" hash2 rwa version both
                community "Lla.RtAyRW2" hash2 r version v2c
                community "r0a159kIOfg" hash2 r version both
Configuring Access Options
The access command creates an association between a user group, a security model and the views that the user group can access. Access must be configured unless security is limited to the preconfigured access groups and views for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2. An access group is defined by a unique combination of the group name, security model and security level.
Use the following CLI syntax to configure access features:
CLI Syntax: config>system>security>snmp
access group group-name security-model security-model security-level security-level [context context-name [prefix-match]] [read view-name-1] [write view-name-2] [notify view-name-3]
The following displays an access configuration with the view configurations.
*A:cses-A13>config>system>security>snmp# info
                view "testview" subtree "1"
                    mask ff
                view "testview" subtree ""
                    mask ff type excluded
                access group "test" security-model usm security-level auth-no-pr
ivacy read "testview" write "testview" notify "testview"
                community "uTdc9j48PBRkxn5DcSjchk" hash2 rwa version both
                community "Lla.RtAyRW2" hash2 r version v2c
                community "r0a159kIOfg" hash2 r version both
Use the following CLI syntax to configure user group and authentication parameters:
CLI Syntax: config>system>security# user user-name
access [ftp] [snmp] [console]
authentication [none]|[[hash]{md5 key|sha key } privacy {none|des-key|aes-128-cfb-key key}]
group group-name
The following displays a user’s SNMP configuration example.
A:ALA-1>config>system>security# info
	user "testuser"
	access snmp
	authentication hash md5 e14672e71d3e96e7a1e19472527ee969 privacy none
	group testgroup
Configuring USM Community Options
User-based security model (USM) community strings associate a community string with an SNMPv3 access group and its view. The access granted with a community string is restricted to the scope of the configured group.
By default, the OS implementation of SNMP uses SNMPv3. However, to implement SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c, USM community strings must be explicitly configured.
Use the following CLI syntax to configure USM community options:
CLI Syntax: config>system>security>snmp
usm-community community-string group group-name
The following displays a SNMP community configuration example:
A:ALA-1>config>system>security>snmp# info
view "testview" subtree "1"
                    mask ff
                view "testview" subtree ""
                    mask ff type excluded
                access group "test" security-model usm security-level auth-no-pr
ivacy read "testview" write "testview" notify "testview"
                community "uTdc9j48PBRkxn5DcSjchk" hash2 rwa version both
                community "Lla.RtAyRW2" hash2 r version v2c
                community "r0a159kIOfg" hash2 r version both
The group grouptest was configured in the config>system>security>snmp>access CLI context.
Configuring Other SNMP Parameters
Use the following CLI syntax to modify the system SNMP options:
CLI Syntax: config>system>snmp
engineID engine-id
general-port port
packet-size bytes
no shutdown
The following example displays the system SNMP default values:
A:ALA-104>config>system>snmp# info detail
            engineID "0000xxxx000000000xxxxx00"
            packet-size 1500
            general-port 161