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When using next-policy action state in the subroutine, the match value is defined by the default action behavior. The action is protocol-dependent. See section Default Action Behavior for more information about the default actions that are applied during packet processing.Note—When subroutines are configured to reject routes, the accept action state can be used as a possible configuration in the subroutine match criteria to return a true-match, and the reject action state can be applied in the main policy entry that has called the subroutine.
• half-life — The half life value is the time, expressed in minutes, required for a route to remain stable in order for one half of the FoM value to be reduced. For example, if the half life value is 6 (minutes) and the route remains stable for 6 minutes, then the new FoM value is 3. After another 6 minutes passes and the route remains stable, the new FoM value is 1.5.
• max-suppress — The maximum suppression time, expressed in minutes, is the maximum amount of time that a route can remain suppressed.
• suppress — If the FoM value exceeds the configured integer value, the route is suppressed for use or inclusion in advertisements.
• reuse — If the suppress value falls below the configured reuse value, then the route can be reused.The ability to perform a filter match on confederations in the AS path and/or communities is supported. This filter allows customers to configure match criteria for specific confederation sets and sequences within the AS path so that they can be filtered out before cluttering the service provider’s routing information base (RIB).When matching communities, the filter allows customers to configure match criteria within the community value.
Table 19: Regular Expression Operators Matches exactly m repetitions of the term. Matches m or more repetitions of the term.
Table 20: Community Strings Examples
The null keyword matches an empty AS path.
OSPF and BGP requires route policy support. Figure 32 and Figure 34 display where route policies are evaluated in the protocol. Figure 32 depicts BGP which applies a route policy as an internal part of the BGP route selection process. Figure 34 depicts OSPF which applies routing policies at the edge of the protocol, to control only the routes that are announced to or accepted from the Route Table Manager (RTM).Figure 32: BGP Route Policy DiagramFigure 33: BGP Route Policy DiagramFigure 34: OSPF Route Policy DiagramOccasionally, BGP routes may be readvertised from BGP into OSPF, IS-IS, and RIP. OSPF export policies (policies control which routes are exported to OSPF) are not handled by the main OSPF task but are handled by a separate task or an RTM task that filters the routes before they are presented to the main OSPF task.When multiple peers, such as P1, P2 and P3, share the same export policy, any modifications to the export policy followed by clear soft on one of the peer P1s, will send out routes to P1 only according to the newly modified policy. Though routes with the newly modified policy are not sent to other peers (P2 and P3) as there are no clear soft issues on these peers, RIB-OUT will show that the new routes with the modified policy are sent to all the peers. RIB-IN on peers P2 and P3 are shown correctly.This feature sets MED to the IGP cost of a route exported into BGP as an action in route policies. The med-out command in the bgp, group, and neighbor configuration context supports this option, but this method lacks per-prefix granularity. The enhanced metric command supported as a route policy action supports setting MED to a fixed number, or adding, or subtracting a fixed number from the received MED, and sets IGP cost option. The enhanced metric {set {igp | number1} | { add | subtract} number2 } command is under config>router>policy-options>policy-statement>entry>action.The metric set igp command, when used in a BGP export policy, have the same effect as the current med-out igp command, except that it applies only to the routes matched by the policy entry.The effect of the metric set igp command depends on the route type and policy type as summarized in Table 22.
Table 22: Metric Set IGP Effect In current modes of operation as shown in Figure 35, an operator must create individual routing policies, prefix-lists, AS-Path lists, community lists, etc for each peer despite many times the policy ultimately being the same. In this case, should an operator with 100 peers with a common policy behavior but unique policies have to make a change to entry 135 in the policy, they must do it on all policies – a significant amount of work that can result in incorrect/inconsistent policy behavior.Figure 35: Route Policy Past Mode of OperationIn Release 13.0.R1, the policy variable expansion functionality is extended with midstring variable expansion for global policy objects. Release 12.0.R1 supports policy variables contained completely in the name, such as “@localcomm@” or “@peeras@”. The following global policy objects support midstring variable expansion: as-path, as-path expression, as-path-group, as-path-group expression, community, and prefix-list.In Release 13.0.R4, the policy variable expansion functionality is extended with more policy variables that can be expanded in subpolicy action items. The following action items support policy variables: aigp-metric, as-path-prepend, local-preference, metric, next-hop, damping, origin, preference, tag, and type. Release 12.0.R1 supports policy variables for as-path, as-path-group, community and prefix-list, and release 12.0.R4 adds policy variable support to as-path expression and as-path-group expression.
• ip-address: next-hop
• value-number: aigp-metric, as-path-prepend, local-preference, metric, origin, origin-validation, preference, tag, typeThe logical flow of this is to configure a per-peer policy in which the variable names and values are defined. Using Figure 36 as the example, the following configuration would be applied:prefix-list "pfx-as63535"prefix through 32exitprefix-list "pfx-as64535"prefix through 32exitprefix-list "pfx-as65535"prefix through 32exitcommunity "cm-as63535" members "7750:63535"community "cm-as65535" members "7750:65535"community "cm-as64535-rejects" members "64535:14"community "cm-as65535-rejects" members "65535:14"community "cm-as64535-highpref" members "7777:64535"as-path "as63535" expression "^63535$"as-path "as64535" expression "^64535$"as-path "as65535" expression "^65535$"policy-statement "peer1"entry 10frompolicy-variablesname "@localcm@" value "cm-as65535"name "@peer-as@" value "as65535"name "@cm-reject@" value "cm-as65535-rejects"name "@cm-highpref@" value "cm-as65535-highpref"name "@peer-prefix@" value "pfx-as65535"exitpolicy "std-peering-inbound"exitaction acceptexitexitexitpolicy-statement "peer2"description "peer2 inbound at IXP ABC, using std-peering-inbound"entry 10frompolicy-variablesname "@localcm@" value "cm-as64535"name "@peer-as@" value "as64535"name "@cm-reject@" value "cm-as64535-rejects"name "@cm-highpref@" value "cm-as64535-highpref"name "@peer-prefix@" value "pfx-as64535"exitpolicy "std-peering-inbound"exitaction acceptexitexitexitpolicy-statement "peer3"description "peer3 inbound at IXP ABC, using std-peering-inbound"entry 10frompolicy-variablesname "@localcm@" value "cm-as63535"name "@peer-as@" value "as63535"name "@cm-reject@" value "cm-as63535-rejects"name "@cm-highpref@" value "cm-as63535-highpref"name "@peer-prefix@" value "pfx-as63535"exitpolicy "std-peering-inbound"exitaction acceptexitexitexitpolicy-statement "std-peering-inbound"description "Standard inbound peering policy for all standard IXP peers"entry 10fromcommunity "@cm-reject@"exitaction rejectexitentry 20fromprefix-list "@peer-prefix@"as-path "@peer-as@"exitaction acceptcommunity add "@localcm@"local-preference 400exitexitentry 30fromcommunity "@cm-highpref@"exitaction acceptcommunity add "@localcm@"local-preference 4000exitexitexit
• Figure 37 displays the process to provision basic route policy parameters.