The no form of the command removes the string from the configuration.
The shutdown command administratively disables an entity. The operational state of the entity is disabled as well as the operational state of any entities contained within. Many objects must be shut down before they may be deleted.
The no form of this command removes the module from the configuration. The module must be administratively shut down before it can be deleted from the configuration.
This command defines an Application Assurance Redundancy Protocol (AARP) instance. This instance is paired with the same aarpId in a peer node as part of a configuration to provide flow and packet asymmetry removal for traffic for a multi-homed SAP or spoke SDP.
The no form of the command removes the instance from the configuration.
minimize-switchovers — Optimal AA flow detection continuity by minimizing AARP switchovers. inter-chassis-efficiency — minimizes inter-chassis traffic. priority-based-balance — AA load balance between AARP peers based on configured priority.
If no peer is configured and the AARP is no shutdown, it is configured as a single node AARP instance.
The no form of the command removes the IP address from the AARP instance.
The no form of the command removes the peer endpoint from the AARP instance.
The no form of the command removes the priority.
The no form of the command sets the parameter to minimum (watermark disabled).
The no form of the command sets the parameter to maximum (watermark disabled).
group aa-group-id[:partition-id [create
] app-group
app-group-name [rate]
] application
application-name [rate]
The no form of the command removes the parameters from the configuration.
The no form of the command reverts to the default.
The no form of the command reverts to the default.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
The no form of the command removes the redirect name from the group configuration.
error-code error-code [custom-msg-size
The no form of the command removes the HTTP host string from the configuration.
The no form of the command reverts to the default.
] http-match-all-requests
The no form of the command disables the monitoring.
The no form of the command removes the http notification policy from the configuration.
The no form of the command removes the interval from the http-notification policy.
The no form of the command removes the template from the configuration.
The no form of the command removes the script-url from the http-notification policy.
The no form of the command removes the http redirect policy from the configuration.
The no form of the command removes the http host field from the configuration
The no form of the command removes the template from the configuration.
The no form of the command disables the use of X-Online-Host header field used as a replacement.
The no form of the command deletes the policy from the configuration. All associations must be removed in order to delete a policy.
policer policer-name type
type granularity
granularity [create
The no form of the command deletes the specified policer from the configuration.
single-bucket-bandwidth — Creates a profile for a single bucket (PIR) bandwidth limiting policer. dual-bucket-bandwidth — Creates profile for a dual backet (PIR, CIR) bandwidth limiting policer. flow-rate-limit — Creates profile for a policer limiting rate of flow set-ups. flow-count-limit — Creates profile for a policer limiting total flow count.
system — Creates a system policer provile for a policer that limits the traffic in the scope of all or a subset of AA subscribers on a given AA ISA. subscriber — Creates a policer profile for a policer for each AA subscriber that limits the traffic in the scope of that subscriber.
action {priority-mark
| permit-deny
The no form of the command removes any explicitly defined constraints used to derive the operational CIR and PIR created by the application of the policy. When a specific adaptation-rule is removed, the default constraints for rate and cir apply.
The no form of the command resets the cbs value to its default.
The no form of the command resets the MBS value to its default.
rate pir-rate [cir
The no form of the command resets the values to defaults.
The no form of the command deletes the application group from the configuration. All associations must be removed in order to delete a group.
The no form of the command deletes the charging group from the configuration. All associations must be removed in order to delete a group.
The no form of the command deletes the charging group association.
The no form of the command removes the application profile from the configuration.
The no form of the command deletes the default charging group from the configuration.
The no form of the command deletes the application. To delete an application, all associations to the application must be removed.
The no form of the command removes the SAP or ESM matching criteria.
The no form of this command deletes the specified application filter entry.
expression expr-index expr-type {eq
| neq
} expr-string
http-host — Matches the string against the HTTP Host field or TLS Server Name Indicator (SNI).
http-uri — Matches the string against the HTTP URI field.
http-referer — Matches the string against the HTTP Referer field.
http-user-agent — Matches the string against the HTTP User Agent field.
sip-ua — Matches the string against the SIP UA field.
sip-uri — Matches the string against the SIP URI field.
sip-mt — Matches the string against the SIP MT field.
citrix-app — Matches the string against the Citrix app field.
h323-product-id — Matches the string against the h323-product-id field.
tls-cert-subj-org-name — Matches the TLS Certificate Subject Organization Name substring.
tls-cert-subj-common-name — Matches the TLS Certificate Subject Common Name substring.
rtsp-host — Matches the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) substring host.
rtsp-uri — Matches the RTSP URI substring.
rtsp-ua — Matches the RTSP UA substring.
The no form of the command restores the default (removes IP protocol number from application criteria defined by this app-filter entry).
The no form the command removes the protocol from the match criteria.
1 — 255 (Decimal, Hexadecimal, or Binary representation). Supported IANA IP protocol names: crtp, crudp, egp, eigrp, encap, ether-ip, gre, icmp, idrp, igmp, igp, ip, ipv6, ipv6-frag, ipv6-icmp, ipv6-no-nxt, ipv6-opts, ipv6-route, isis, iso-ip, l2tp, ospf-igp, pim, pnni, ptp, rdp, rsvp, sctp, stp, tcp, udp, vrrp * - udp/tcp wildcard
The no form of the command restores the default (removes the server address from application criteria defined by this entry).
server-port {eq
| neq
} range start-port-num end-port-num
server-port {eq
} {port-num | rangestart-port-num end-port-num} {first-packet-trusted
| first-packet-validate
The no form of the command restores the default (removes server port number from application criteria defined by this app-filter entry).
The no form of the command restores the default (removes protocol from match application defined by this app-filter entry).
*A:7x50-E11# show application-assurance protocol
Application Assurance Protocols
Protocol : Description
aim_oscar : America Online Oscar Instant Messaging.
aim_oscar_file_xfer : America Online Oscar File Transfer.
aim_oscar_video_voice : America Online Oscar Video and Voice
aim_toc : America Online Talk to Oscar Instant
ares : Ares P2P File Sharing Protocol
betamax_voip : Betamax VoIP Protocol traffic.
bgp : IETF RFC 4271: Border Gateway Protocol
bittorrent : BitTorrent peer to peer protocol.
citrix_ica : Citrix ICA protocol.
citrix_ima : Citrix IMA protocol.
cnnlive : CNN Live Streaming Video
cups : Common Unix Printing Service.
cut_through : Traffic that cannot be categorized. Only
default subscriber policy is applied.
cut_through_by_default_policy : Traffic that has been cut-through due to a
subscriber default policy.
cvs : Concurrent Versions System.
daap : iTunes Digital Audio Access Protocol media
sharing protocol.
dcerpc : DCERPC Remote Procedure Call.
denied_by_default_policy : Traffic that was denied by a default
subscriber flow policer.
dhcp : Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
dht : Peer to Peer Distributed Hash Table
direct_connect : Direct Connect peer to peer protocol
dns : IETF RFC 1035: Domain Name System.
domino : IBM Domino-Notes.
empty_tcp : TCP flows that close without ever having
exchanged any data.
emule : eMule/eDonkey peer to peer protocol.
existing : Traffic that was in progress or with no
start of flow.
fasttrack : FastTrack peer to peer protocol.
fix : FIX (Financial Information eXchange)
fring : Fring Mobile traffic.
ftp_control : IETF RFC 959: File Transfer Protocol
control traffic.
ftp_data : IETF RFC 959: File Transfer Protocol data
funshion : Funshion Streaming Video
gamecenter : Apple Game Center
gnutella : Gnutella/Gnutella2 peer to peer protocol.
google_talk_file_xfer : Google Talk Instant Messaging file
google_talk_im : Google Talk Instant Messaging.
google_talk_voicemail : Google Talk Instant Messaging voice mail.
gtp : GTP (GPRS Tunneling Protocol).
h225 : ITU H.225 Multimedia Call Signalling
h245 : ITU H.245 Control Protocol for MultiMedia
headcall : Headcall Protocol traffic.
hotline : Hotline Communications: A client-server
protocol for file sharing and chatting.
http : IETF RFC 2616: Hypertext transfer protocol.
http_audio : HTTP transported Audio content.
http_shockwaveflash : HTTP transported Shockwave Flash content.
http_video : HTTP transported Video content.
http_webfeed : RSS or ATOM Web Feed
hulu : HULU media traffic.
iax2 : InterAsterisk Exchange Protocol.
ibmdb2 : IBM DB2 Database Server.
icq : ICQ protocol traffic.
ident : IETF RFC 1413 Identification Protocol
iiop : CORBA IIOP Network Protocol.
imap4 : IETF RFC 3501: Internet Message Access
Protocol V.4.
iplayer : BBC iPlayer media traffic.
ipp : Internet Printing Protocol.
ipsec_nat_t : IETF RFC 3948: UDP Encapsulated IPsec ESP.
irc : RFC 1459 Internet Relay Chat
isakmp : IETF RFC 2408 4306: Internet Security
Association and Key Management Protocol.
iscsi : ISCSI Protocol.
jolt : Oracle JOLT (Java OnLine Transactions)
justintv : media traffic.
kerberos : Kerberos Version 5 Network Authentication
kontiki : Kontiki Distribution Protocol
ldap : IETF RFC 4510: Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol.
llmnr : LLMNR Protocol.
mail_ru : messaging protocol
manolito : Manolito P2P File Sharing Protocol
megaco : Media Gateway Control Protocol.
mgcp : Media Gateway Control Protocol.
mms : Multimedia Messaging Service over HTTP.
ms_communicator : Microsoft Communicator Client.
msexchange : MS Exchange MAPI Interface.
msn_msgr : MSN Messenger client/server protocol.
msn_msgr_file_xfer : MSN Messenger initiated P2P file transfer.
msn_msgr_video : MSN Messenger Video Chat.
mssql_smb : MS SQL Server Named Pipe traffic.
mssql_tcp : MS SQL Server over TCP.
mssql_udp : MS SQL Server Monitoring Service.
mysql : MySQL Network Protocol.
net2phone : Net2Phone protocol.
net2phone_voip : Net2Phone VOIP
netbios : IETF RFC 1001: Network Basic Input Output
nimbuzz : Nimbuzz Protocol.
nntp : IETF RFC 3977: Network News Transfer
non_tcp_udp : Non TCP or UDP traffic.
ntp : IETF RFC1305 RFC2030: Network Time
octoshape : Octoshape Streaming Video
onlive : OnLive Cloud Streaming Services
oovoo : ooVoo Protocol.
openft : openft peer to peer protocol.
openvpn : OpenVPN: open source virtual private
network protocol.
opera_mini : Opera Mini mobile web browser.
oracle_net : Oracle TNS (Transparent Network Subtrate)
pcanywhere : Symantec PcAnywhere.
pop3 : IETF RFC 1939: Post Office Protocol V.3.
postgresql : PostgreSQL Network Protocol.
pplive : PPLive Peer to Peer Video Streaming
ppstream : PPStream Chinese P2P streaming video.
pptp : Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol.
q931 : ITU Q.931 Call Signalling Protocol
qq : QQ Instant Messaging Protocol
qvod : QVOD: Streaming media on demand.
rdp : Remote Desktop Protocol.
rdt : Realnetworks Data Transport protocol.
rfb : Remote Framebuffer protocol.
rlogin : IETF RFC 1258 rlogin virtual terminal
protocol widely used between Unix hosts
rsh : Unix remote shell command
rsync : Open source file transfer protocol
rtmp : RTMP: Adobe Real Time Messaging Protocol.
rtmpe : RTMPE: Encrypted Adobe Real Time Messaging
rtmpt : RTMPT: HTTP Tunneled Adobe Real Time
Messaging Protocol.
rtp : IETF RFC 3550: Real-time Transport
rtp_aim : America Online RTP Video/Voice.
rtp_h323 : H323 RTP Voice.
rtp_msn_msgr : MSN Messenger RTP Voice.
rtp_rtsp : RTSP RTP Data
rtp_sip : SIP RTP Data
rtp_skinny : Skinny RTP Data
rtp_yahoo_im : Yahoo Instant Messenger RTP Voice.
rtsp : IETF RFC 2326: Real Time Streaming
sap : SAP Protocol.
shoutcast : SHOUTcast audio streaming protocol.
siebel : Siebel Suite.
sip : IETF RFC 3261: Session Initiation Protocol.
skinny : Skinny Call Control Protocol.
skype : Skype
slingbox : SlingBox: TV video streaming and remote
smb : Server Message Block protocol over TCP.
smb_netbios : Server Message Block protocol over NetBIOS.
smtp : IETF RFC 2821: Simple Mail Transfer
snmp : Simple Network Management Protocol traffic.
socks : SOCKS Proxy.
soulseek : SoulSeek P2P File Sharing Protocol
spotify : Spotify Protocol.
ssh : IETF RFC 4251: Secure shell protocol.
starcraft2 : Starcraft II Protocol
steam : Steam Gaming Protocol.
steam_gaming : Steam Online Gaming Protocol.
stun : IETF RFC 3489: Simple Traversal of UDP
through NATs.
sunrpc : SUNRPC Remote Procedure Call.
svn : Subversion Version Control System.
sybase_db : SYBASE Database Network Protocol.
syslog : IETF RFC 3164: syslog protocol.
t125 : ITU T.125 Multipoint communication service
teamspeak : TeamSpeak Protocol traffic.
telnet : IETF RFC 854: Telnet Network Virtual
Terminal protocol.
teredo : Teredo: IPv6 packets in IPv4 UDP datagrams
tunneling protocol.
tftp : IETF RFC 1350: Trivial File Transfer
tivo : TiVo Service
tls : IETF RFC 4346: Transport Layer Security
tn3270 : IETF RFC1576 RFC2355: TN3270 terminal
emulation via telnet.
tor : Tor internet anonymity protocol.
trusted_tcp : Traffic identified using a trusted TCP
port number.
trusted_udp : Traffic identified using a trusted UDP
port number.
tuxedo : Oracle TUXEDO Protocol.
tvu : TVU Networks media traffic.
ultravox : Ultravox streaming media protocol.
unknown_tcp : Unknown or unidentified TCP traffic.
unknown_udp : Unknown or unidentified UDP traffic.
ustream : Ustream media traffic.
utp : uTP: Micro Transport Protocol.
ventrilo : Ventrilo Protocol traffic.
viber : Viber Mobile traffic.
vmware : VMware Traffic.
vudu : VUDU on-demand video distribution
webex : Cisco Webex web conferencing
weixin : Weixin Instant Messaging Protocol
whatsapp : WhatsApp Protocol.
winmx : WinMX P2P File Sharing Protocol
wow : World of Warcraft Protocol
wsp_http : WSP transported HTTP traffic.
xboxlive : Xbox Live: Microsoft online game and media
delivery service.
xmpp : IETF RFC 3920: Extensible Messaging and
Presence Protocol.
xmpp_facebook : Facebook XMPP traffic.
xunlei : Xunlei Client.
xwindows : X Window System: A graphical user
interface for networked computers
yahoo_file_xfer : Yahoo Instant Messaging Protocol File
yahoo_im : Yahoo Instant Messaging Protocol.
yahoo_video : Yahoo Instant Messaging Protocol Webcam
youtube : YouTube RTMP/RTMPE traffic.
Number of protocols : 181
The no form of the command removes the characteristic from the application profile.
The no form of the command stops redirect of traffic to AA ISAs for the AA subscribers using this application profile.
] entry
entry-id [create
The no form of this command deletes the specified application QoS policy entry.
The no form of the command removes bandwidth policer from actions on flows matching this AQP entry.
The no form of the command disables the drop action on flows matching this AQP entry.
The no form of the command removes this flow policer from actions on flows matching this AQP entry.
The no form of the command removes this flow policer from actions on flows matching this AQP entry.
The redirect only takes effect if the matching flows are HTTP and the condition specified after the http-redirect command, admitted flows or dropped-flows, is met. The condition specified by “dropped-flows” means the flow is dropped due to an AQP actions such as “flow rate/count policers” or “drop” actions. HTTP Policy Redirect on admitted-flows allows the operator to redirect HTTP traffic to a web portal while allowing non-HTTP matching the same AQP rule to be forwarded.
The no form of the command removes http redirect from actions on flows matching this AQP entry.
admitted-flows — Redirect HTTP flows matching the AQP criteria. dropped-flows — Redirects those HTTP flows that are dropped due to an AQP action.
admitted-flows — This allows HTTP redirect for selective traffic steering of HTTP traffic while not affecting other traffic. dropped-flows — This allows HTTP redirect on blocked traffic.
The no form of the command stops DSCP remarking action on flows matching this AQP entry.
be, cp1, cp2, cp3, cp4, cp5, cp6, cp7, cs1, cp9, af11, cp11, af12, cp13, af13, cp15, cs2, cp17, af21, cp19, af22, cp21, af23, cp23, cs3, cp25, af31, cp27, af32, cp29, af33, cp31, cs4, cp33, af41, cp35, af42, cp37, af43, cp39, cs5, cp41, cp42, cp43, cp44, cp45, ef, cp47, nc1, cp49, cp50, cp51, cp52, cp53, cp54, cp55, nc2, cp57, cp58, cp59, cp60, cp61, cp62, cp63
The no form of the command stops FC remarking action on packets belonging to flows matching this AQP entry
The no form of the command removes the url filter policy from the configuration.
aa-sub transit {
eq |
The no form of the command removes the SAP or ESM matching criteria.
The no form of the command removes the app-group from match criteria for this AQP entry.
The no form of the command removes the application from match criteria for this AQP entry.
The no form of the command removes the characteristic from match criteria for this AQP entry.
The no form of the command removes the charging-group from match criteria for this AQP entry.
dscp {eq
| neq
} dscp-name
be, cp1, cp2, cp3, cp4, cp5, cp6, cp7, cs1, cp9, af11, cp11, af12, cp13, af13, cp15, cs2, cp17, af21, cp19, af22, cp21, af23, cp23, cs3, cp25, af31, cp27, af32, cp29, af33, cp31, cs4, cp33, af41, cp35, af42, cp37, af43, cp39, cs5, cp41, cp42, cp43, cp44, cp45, ef, cp47, nc1, cp49, cp50, cp51, cp52, cp53, cp54, cp55, nc2, cp57, cp58, cp59, cp60, cp61, cp62, cp63
dst-port {eq | neq
} range
start-port-num end-port-num
The no form of the command removes the parameters from the configuration.
The no form the command removes the protocol from the match criteria.
1 — 255 (Decimal, Hexadecimal, or Binary representation). Supported IANA IP protocol names: crtp, crudp, egp, eigrp, encap, ether-ip, gre, icmp, idrp, igmp, igp, ip, ipv6, ipv6- frag, ipv6-icmp, ipv6-no-nxt, ipv6-opts, ipv6-route, isis, iso-ip, l2tp, ospf-igp, pim, pnni, ptp, rdp, rsvp, sctp, stp
src-port {eq | neq
} range
start-port-num end-port-num
The no form of the command removes the parameters from the configuration.
The no form of the command deletes characteristic option. To delete a characteristic, it must not be referenced by other components of application assurance.
The no form of the command removes the default value for the characteristic.
The no form of the command removes the value for the characteristic.
Operator-configurable custom-protocols are evaluated ahead of any Alcatel-Lucent provided protocol signature in order of custom-protocol-id (the lower ID is matched first in case of flow matching multiple custom-protocols) within the context the protocol is defined.
expression expr-index eq
expr-string offset
payload-octet-offset direction
The no form of this command deletes a specified string expression from the definition.
The no form of the command reverts the default action to the default value (forward).
The no form of this command deletes the specified entry.
app-group app-group-name export-using
export-method [export-method...(up to 2 max)]
no app-group app-group-name
The no form of the command removes the application group name.
] application
The no form of the command removes the application name.
application application-name export-using
The no form of the command removes the parameters from the configuration.
The no form of the command disables the collection.
] aa-sub
sub-ident-string | sap
sap-id} | spoke-sdp
sdp-id:vc-id | transit
The no form of the command removes the subscriber from the special study subscribers.
] max-throughput-stats
The no form of the command disables the collection.
protocol protocol-name export-using
rad-acct-plcy-name — The name of the policy. The string is case sensitive and limited to 32 ASCII 7-bit printable characters with no spaces.
The no form of the command deletes the policy from the configuration. All associations must be removed in order to delete a policy.
The no form of the command removes the default app-profile from the policy.
The no form of the command disables seen-IP notification.
static-aa-sub transit-aasub-name app-profile
app-profile-name [create
The no form of the command deletes the named static transit aa-sub from the configuration.
The no form of the command deletes the ip address assigned to the static transit aa-sub from the configuration.
The no form of the command removes the default subscriber identifcationidentification policy from the SAP configuration.
The no form of the command removes the assignment of entries space from the configuration. All entries must be removed in order to delete the configuration.
The no form of the command removes the assignment of entries space from the configuration. All entries must be removed in order to delete the configuration.
The no form of the command removes the assignment of entries space from the configuration. All entries must be removed in order to delete the configuration.
The no form of the command removes the association of the policy to the service.
The no form of the command deletes the policy from the configuration. All associations must be removed in order to delete a policy.
The no form of the command removes the entry ID from the transit prefix policy configuration.
The no form of the command removes the transit subscriber name from the transit prefix policy configuration.
The no form of the command deletes the aa-sub-ip address assigned from the entry configuration.
The no form of the command removes the network IP address/mask from the match criteria.
static-aa-sub transit-aasub-name app-profile
app-profile-name [create
no static-aa-sub transit-aasub-name
The no form of the command deletes the named static transit aa-sub from the configuration.
The no form of the command removes the name from the transit prefix policy.
The no form of the command reverts to the default.
This command configures the high watermark for the weighted average utilization of the shared buffer space in the from-subscriber buffer pool for each ISA. When a buffer pool is not in the overload state and the wa-shared buffer utilization for an ISA crosses above the high watermark value in the ISA
from-subcriber buffer pool enters an overload state and an overload notification is raised.
This command configures the low watermark for the weighted average utilization of the shared buffer space in the from-subscriber buffer pool. When a buffer pool is in an overloaded state and the wa-shared buffer utilization for an ISA drops below low watermark value ISA
from-subcriber buffer pool leaves the overload state and a is sent to indicate the overload state has cleared.
The no form of the command enables the protocol.
The no form of the command reverts to the default.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
server server-index address
ip-address secret
key [hash
| hash2
] [port
port] [create
The no form of the command removes the server from the configuration.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
The no form of the command reverts to the default.
The no form of this command returns the system to the default. If there is a change in file location while persistence is running, a new file will be written on the new flash, and then the old file will be removed.
The no form of the command deletes the specified application assurance group from the system. The group must be shutdown first.
The no form of the command removes the specified module from the application assurance group.
mda-id: slot/ mda
slot 1 — up to 10 depending on chassis model mda 1 — 2
The no form of the command stops diverting of the traffic to an application assurance engine for this application assurance group.
The no form of the command reverts the threshold to the default value.
The no form of the command reverts the threshold to the default value.
] isa-overload-cut-through
The no form of the command disables cut-through processing on overload.
The no form of the command disables partitions within an ISA-AA group.
The no form of the command removes the specified ISA from the application assurance group.
mda-id: slot/ mda
slot 1 — up to 10 depending on chassis model mda 1 — 2
The no form of this command restores the default value.
This command configures the high watermark for the weighted average utilization of the shared buffer space in the from-subscriber buffer pool for each ISA. When a buffer pool is not in the overload state and the wa-shared buffer utilization for an ISA crosses above the high watermark value in the ISA
from-subcriber buffer pool enters an overload state and an overload notification is raised.
This command configures the low watermark for the weighted average utilization of the shared buffer space in the from-subscriber buffer pool. When a buffer pool is in an overloaded state and the wa-shared buffer utilization for an ISA drops below low watermark value ISA
from-subcriber buffer pool leaves the overload state and a is sent to indicate the overload state has cleared.