Lucent CM system main components


The Lucent CM system consists of the following main components:

Lucent CM application servers

The Lucent CM system consists of multiple application servers running on multiple Linux hosts. The servers are responsible for processing the requests from the Lucent CM user clients. The servers forward information to external services (for example call servers or mail servers). Information that is received from external services is processed by the Lucent CM servers and forwarded to the Lucent CM user clients.

An application monitoring program, Lucent High Availability (LU-HA) monitors the activity and status of the applications, detects faults and initiates recoveries. The program is also used to provide Lucent CM Explorer access and to control software upgrades.


The databases in the Lucent CM system store information about the partitions and users. The databases also store information about the services, such as authentication services.

The application servers redirect information and requests to the databases for data storage or data retrieval.

A database monitoring program monitors the activity and status of the databases, detects faults and initiates recoveries.

Load balancer

The standard Lucent CM configuration uses internal load balancing to distribute traffic across the application servers. Load balancing functions can be co-located only with the first two application servers.

SOCKS server

A SOCKS server runs on all Lucent CM nodes. SOCKS collects information on resource usage of the servers. The SOCKS server must always run and cannot be started or stopped.

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