Reset user password


This topic describes the steps to reset password for a user The user can also be a partition administrator.

Lucent CM authentication service

The password can only be reset for a user that has a Lucent CM authentication service assigned. A password for a user with an LDAP authentication service can not be reset.

Reset password

Task StepsPerform the following steps to reset a password:


At the Lucent CM Explorer tree view, navigate to Lucent CM System→ Partitions → <partition name> → Users

Result:  The Users tab displays.


Perform a search to display the user that requires a password reset.


Select the user.


Click Reset Password.

Result:  A dialog box displays.


Enter a new password in the New Password and Verify Password fields and click Update.

Result:  The confirmation window closes and the password is changed. At the next login, the password must be changed by the user.

End of steps

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