Lucent FS 3000 provisioning

Defining the call control interface on the FS 3000

When the call control interface on the Lucent FS 3000 to the Lucent CM Server is provisioned, the Fully-qualified Domain Name that is associated with the Lucent CM internal Ethernet interface must be used.

This is because the Lucent CM server always attempts to communicate over the call control interface to the Lucent FS 3000 server(s) via the internal Ethernet interface.


However, if the Lucent CM server is on the same network, as the Lucent FS 3000, regardless of the subnet mask used to segment the IP space on a network range, as Lucent FS 3000, when provisioning the call control interface within the Lucent FS 3000 server with use the Lucent CM Fully-qualified Domain Name of the internal interface one must ensure that the ’network’ designated by the Lucent CM FQDN is on the same ’network’ as the provisioned call control interface for the Lucent CM Server’s interface.

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