Lucent FS 5000 configuration


This topic describes configuration steps that must be performed on the Lucent FS 5000 to allow the Lucent FS 5000 to communicate properly with the Lucent CM.

Lucent FS 5000 configuration

Configure the following on the Lucent FS 5000:

  1. Define a login and password to allow the Database Gateway (DBGW) XML connection between Lucent CM servers and FS 5000

  2. At the Lucent CM, the user must be defined and associated with a given FS 5000 node (via the OMC-P).

    The alias must match the FS5000 PartyID.

    This allows Lucent CM to read the FS 5000 database to get the address of the WPIF server it should log in to.

  3. At the FS 5000, assign the web portal feature to user's FS 5000 PartyID (via the OMC-P) to allow call control requests via the call control interface (WPIF or CC) .

  4. At the FS 5000, assign any features that the user is allowed to use (via the OMC-P).

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