Start and stop a server


This topic describes the steps to start or stop a Lucent CM server. Servers can be started and stopped using the System Servers folder on the Lucent CM Explorer.

System Servers folder

The System Servers folder only shows for Lucent CM systems when process monitoring is accessible.

Start and stop server using Lucent CM Explorer

Task StepsPerform the following steps to start of stop a server using the Lucent CM Explorer:


At the Lucent CM Explorer tree view, navigate to the System Servers folder (Lucent CM System → System Servers → <SubSystem>) and select the server.

Result:  The Server Info tab displays.


If ...


Select ...


you want to start a server,


click the radio button Start.


you want to stop a server,


click the radio button Stop.



Click Update.

Result:  The server starts or stops and the Status and Admin Status is updated. Depending on the type of server, this may take a few minutes.

End of steps

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