Backup the Lucent CM system


This topic describes the steps to backup the Lucent CM system. The backup operation is performed using a script.


Script directory


Script name




Backup call server data

When you backup the Lucent CM system, data must also be backed up at the Lucent FS 5000 and FS 3000 call servers. Backing up Lucent CM and call server, prevents mismatches between data at the Lucent CM system and data at the call server.

For more information about backup procedures:

Schedule backups

You can schedule backups using a scheduling tool. Linux provides the cron tool for scheduling.

Additional disk to backup large systems

A backup of a Lucent CM system with more than four database segments results in a large backup file. The size of the backup file can exceed the available space on a D-node.

For Lucent CM systems with more than four database segments, add an additional hard disk drive to one of the D-nodes of the Lucent CM system. The additional hard disk drive provides storage for the backup file.

A 500 GB additional hard disk drive supports a Lucent CM system with up to 20 database segments.

An additional disk is only available for Lucent CM systems with Sun Fire X2100 and Sun Fire X2100 M2 servers.

Instructions for installing the hard disk drive in one of the nodes are provided with the hard disk drive.

Backup the Lucent CM system

Task StepsPerform the following steps to backup the Lucent CM system:


Login in to the node you want to backup as “root” user.



su - lps


Change directory to /opt/lps/current/bin/.


Start the backup script. Enter: [-o | -p][-d <destination dir>][-f <output file>][-i][-t]



Option descriptions




Overwrite existing completed backup files without prompting.




Preserve existing completed backup files in the output directory.




Directory where the backup file is stored.

When you store the backup files on a separate additional disk, use the -d option to provide the path to the disk.

The default directory is /tmp/backup on the local node.




Name of the backup file.

The default file name is backup-<system-name>-<current-SW-release>-<backup date>-<backup time>.tar on the local node.

Example: backup-lpsdev4-r6.0.1.54-2005-05-18-09-26-19.tar




Include the installation ISO image in the backup file.

With this option, the backup file can be used to generate an installation CD for use in recovery.




Send SNMP trap if the backup fails.



If you did not enter the -o or -p option, the script prompts you if the existing file must be deleted.

Select y to delete the existing backup file or n to add the new backup file next to the old backup file.

Result:  The backup script starts and the backup file is created in the backup directory.

End of steps

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