Retrieve trace information


This topic describes the steps to retrieve trace information.

These traces will help to identify the source of the error between the Lucent CM and call servers.

Trace error information

Task StepsPerform the following steps to retrieve trace information:


Log in to the Lucent CM application node using SSH.


Go to the directory that stores the trace log files. Enter:

cd /opt/lps/current/jboss/server/lps/log


View the trace log file. Enter:

tail -f appl.log

Important!  If the trace log file does not include any information, contact Lucent Technologies support.

End of steps

Example of log trace file

This is an example of a log trace:

2005-06-20 16:34:16,310 ERROR (http-
updateRemovedServices() response.hasError(): [Error 4410]
Service is not assigned to this subscriber:
Anonymous Call Rejection

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