Upgrade Lucent CM software


This topic describes the steps to upgrade software on the Lucent CM system. The software upgrade is performed using a script.

Obtaining the software

The software can be obtained via the following methods:

Script name and directory

Script directory


Script name






Software upgrade on multi-node systems

The software upgrade procedure upgrades the software on all nodes of the Lucent CM system, not just a single node.

The operation can be initiated from any Lucent CM application node or universal node of the Lucent CM system.



Service-disruption hazard

The software upgrade results in a service disruption on each Lucent CM server. For simplex configurations,a software upgrade results in a full service disruption. For High Availability configurations, software upgrade can result in a partial service disruption.

The length of the service disruption is highly variable and depends on the amount of data in the system, and the extent of the data manipulation for the upgrade.

Perform this procedure during low traffic hours.

Before you begin

Perform a backup of the Lucent CM system before upgrading the Lucent CM software.

Upgrade software

Task StepsPerform the following steps to upgrade software on the Lucent CM system:


Login to one of the application node or universal nodes of the Lucent CM system as “root”.


Insert the Lucent CM CD-ROM with the new software.


Mount the CD-ROM.

Type the following command and press ENTER:

# mount /mnt/cdrom


Change directory to the directory where the script is located.

Type the following command and press ENTER:

# cd /mnt/cdrom/scripts


Execute the Lucent CM upgrade script. Type the following command and press ENTER:

# ./lps_upgrade.sh

Result:  The software upgrade script starts.


Enter the root password of the local host.

Result:  The software upgrade path displays and you are asked to confirm.


Enter y to proceed with the software upgrade.


Enter the following information when prompted:

  • The 'root' password for all other Lucent CM nodes in the system

  • The userid of the Lucent CM system administrator account

  • The password of the Lucent CM system administrator

Result: The script starts and performs the following tasks:

  • Create an installation package.

  • Transfer the package to each Lucent CM node

  • If possible, divide the Lucent CM nodes into two groups, each capable of providing service.

    Each of the two groups must contain a node with a load balancer, at least one App server, and one DB node in each existing DB segment.

  • Update the software for each group.

The script generates output to show the steps of the software upgrade.


Unmount the CD-ROM.

Type the following command and press ENTER:

# umount /mnt/cdrom


Eject the CD-ROM.

Type the following command and press ENTER:

# eject

End of steps

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