Remote NE status


If enabled, the Remote NE Status feature reflects the summary alarm/status level for both the local and remote NEs in the same alarm group as the local NE with the following local indications.

Office alarms

The local office visual alarm always shows the highest alarm level. The local office audible alarm is activated in response to each new alarm occurrence among the local and remote NEs. Thus alerting on-site craft of problems in the network with an indication of the severity.

SYSCTL faceplate LEDs

The CR, MJ, or MN LED on the local SYSCTL circuit pack faceplate shows the highest alarm level among the local and remote NEs. The FE LED on the local SYSCTL circuit pack faceplate is illuminated if any remote NE has an active alarm, abnormal status (indicated by the ABN LED), or "activity" status condition, thus identifying the local NE to query further. (Although not dependent on the Remote NE Status feature, the Near-End LED on the local SYSCTL circuit pack faceplate is only illuminated if the local NE itself has an active alarm, abnormal status, or "activity" status condition.)

Remote NE status and alarm/status retrieval

The local NE can retrieve the highest alarm/status level of each NE in a network with an active alarm, abnormal status, or "activity" status condition, thus identifying the remote NE to further query.

Determination of the highest alarm/status level of each NE includes the alarm/status level of active miscellaneous discrete alarm/status inputs.

The Remote NE Status feature can be used to expedite maintenance activities for NEs that report TL1 autonomous alarm/status messages to a maintenance OS at an operations center.

The Remote NE Status feature may be enabled or disabled. By default, the Remote NE Status feature is disabled.

Alarm group

By default, all Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX systems are assigned to alarm group 255. This is typically sufficient for small networks of up to 50 nodes. All NEs with DCC connectivity that have the same alarm group number are members of the same alarm group. All alarm group members share summary alarm/status information with each other but not with NEs in different alarm groups. To take advantage of the remote activation of local office alarms, in particular, at least one member of the alarm group should be located in a central office.

In large networks, with IS-IS Level 2 Routing and multiple Level 1 areas, each alarm group must be confined to within a single Level 1 area only. For example, a network with three different Level 1 areas would require a minimum of three alarm groups, that is, one alarm group for each Level 1 area. If desired, multiple alarm groups can be defined within a Level 1 area, also. The maximum number of NEs in an alarm group is limited by the maximum number of nodes in a Level 1 area.

Alarm gateway NE (AGNE)

By default, no NE is enabled as an AGNE. Even if the default alarm group number for all NEs is used, at least one NE in each alarm group must be enabled as an AGNE. Any NE in an alarm group can be enabled as an AGNE, for example, an AGNE does not need to be located in a central office, in fact, it is recommended that an AGNE should not also be a TL1 TCP/IP GNE or IS-IS Level 2 Router.

A second NE in each alarm group may be enabled as a backup AGNE, if required. It is recommended that the maximum number of AGNEs per alarm group be limited to at most two to assure good performance.

Instead of having every NE exchange alarm/status information with every other NE in the same alarm group directly, only the AGNE receives alarm/status information from every NE directly, and the AGNE distributes the accumulated alarm/status information for all the NEs to every NE in the alarm group.

Provisioning sequence

If there is no AGNE, each NE in an alarm group reports an AGNE Communications Failure alarm; therefore, the following provisioning sequence is recommended:

  1. Provision one or two (at most) NEs as the AGNE
    • Enable the Remote NE Status parameter

    • Enable the network element as an Alarm Gateway

    • Provision the alarm group number, if different than the default.

  2. Provision the other NEs in the same alarm group
    • Enable the Remote NE Status parameter

    • Provision the alarm group number, if different than the default.

For more information about the Administration → Set NE command, see the WaveStar® CIT online help.

Remote NE status compatibility

The following table lists Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX remote NE status compatibility with other products.

Table 5-22: Remote NE status compatibility


Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX

Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX


Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMXplore


Alcatel-Lucent 1665 Data Multiplexer Extend


DDM-2000 OC-3


DDM-2000 OC-12




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