Network size


There is no inherent limit to the total number of NEs in a SONET transmission network, but there is a limit to the number of nodes that can be part of the same OSI domain, that is, with OSI LAN and/or DCC connectivity for operations communications among the NEs.

Maximum number of OSI nodes

Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX supports a total of 300 OSI associations per TCP and 300 OSI associations for TL1 per Gateway Network Element (GNE). Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX can support a total of 250 NEs per Level 1 area.

IS-IS level 2 routing

IS-IS Level 2 Routing involves the assignment of NEs to multiple areas of less than 50 nodes each. Level 2 routers support OSI communications between the NEs in different areas. Both the assignment of NEs to areas and the enabling of NEs as Level 2 routers is accomplished by provisioning.

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