Protection switching application modes


There are five types of protection application modes, listed below:

The UPSR application mode provides ring path protection switching on all high-speed and low-speed OC-3/12/48 interfaces and on OC-192 high-speed interfaces.

The linear 1+1 application is functionally equivalent to a 1+1 protected configuration, providing path switching on all paths within a high-speed line if that particular line fails.

0x1Sn mode

When equipped with non-VLF Main packs, Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX supports an unprotected 0x1Sn mode. This option is user-provisionable on a per-port basis. 0x1S1 and 0x1S2 are provisionable applications for LS OC-n port pairs. For 0x1S1, the port in slot 1 is unprotected and the companion port in slot 2 is unused. For 0x1S2, the port in slot 2 is unprotected and the companion port in slot 1 is unused.

True 0x1 mode

When equipped with VLF main packs, Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX supports true 0x1 unprotected circuit packs. Any function or growth slot can be equipped with any pack (some restrictions apply) and two of the same circuit pack can also populate adjacent slots in the same group (this includes some Ethernet packs). For detailed information on circuit pack/slot equipage restrictions in 0x1 mode, see Very large fabric (VLF) engineering rules.

In the case of SONET packs, all ports in a pack must be set to 0x1 application in order for a different pack to be used in the companion slot. If any pair of lines is provisioned for a protected application (1+1, UPSR, BLSR), then both packs in the group must be of the same type.

True 0x1 replaces 0x1Sn functionality when VLF Mains are used. True 0x1 supports all the capabilities 0x1Sn allow, but adds the capability for both slots of a single group to function independently. 0x1Sn is still supported when the shelf is equipped with non-VLF Mains. True 0x1 is available on the low-speed/tributary circuit packs, and VLF Main (M1/M2) interfaces.

When two circuit packs in the same low-speed group are operating in 0x1 mode, all provisioning, reporting and retrieval (of alarms) associated with the pack, ports and tributaries in Slot 1 are independent of the provisioning, reporting and retrieval associated with the pack, ports and tributaries in Slot 2.

When provisioned for 0x1 operation, the affect on service and severity of alarms issued against a pack in Slot 1 of a particular group are independent from the affect on service and the severity of the alarms issued against the pack in Slot 2 of that group.

When Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX is equipped with VLF Mains, all 1-way cross-connections supported on an unprotected port/line (including ports/lines on an unprotected pack) in one slot of an LS group can be supported independently and simultaneously on an unprotected port/line in either slot of a Function or Growth group. 1-waypr cross-connections are not allowed to be sourced from 0x1 interfaces.

True 0x1 enables hairpin cross-connections between channels on packs in different slots of the same Function or Growth group.

Ethernet interface protection

On the WAN (SONET) side of the network, Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX utilizes standard IEEE 802.1D and fast 802.1w spanning tree protection for multipoint applications and/or STS-1 UPSR protection (for point-to-point applications). See the section entitled Spanning tree for more information.

Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX supports link aggregation on any two LNW170 LAN ports of the same rate (i.e. 100 or 1000 Mbps), operating in switched mode. The LNW170 circuit pack supports LAG operation across two LNW170 circuit packs.

Link aggregation can also provide facility protection on LNW170 LAN ports. Link aggregation is also able to remove failed links automatically, thereby providing a means of facility protection. When a link fails, traffic is shifted to the remaining links in that Link Aggregation Group (LAG). More links than are needed can be added to the group and each is active until it fails (similar to utilizing LCAS protection for SONET tributaries). For more information on link aggregation, see Link aggregation (LNW170 LAN ports).

Active/Standby LAG

In Active/Standby LAG, one link of the LAG is designated as the protection link and the other is the working link. Only the working link carries MAC client traffic when none of the links fails. When the working link fails, the traffic switches to the protection link. The protection switching is bidirectional and revertive.

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