Ethernet/SAN performance monitoring parameters


Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX provides PM capabilities for the Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. PM data is collected at each LAN and WAN interface in the network for both incoming and outgoing directions and is stored in quarter-hour and day bins. The WAN interface provides a connection to a SONET Virtual Concatenation Group (VCG).


Provisionable threshold crossing alerts (TCAs) are not supported on the Ethernet interfaces.

Monitored parameters

The following table lists the Ethernet performance parameters that Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX monitors, including the ranges for the 15-minute and 1-day (24-hour) registers.

Table 5-20: Ethernet performance parameters


Monitored parameters





Ethernet (all packs)

EDFC – Ethernet dropped frames congestion



EDFE – Ethernet dropped frames errors



LNW73/73C packs

INTXWD – Count of invalid transmission words received.




Performance monitoring is enabled/disabled via the WaveStar® CIT. From the System View menu, select Performance → Prov PM Settings, then navigate to the port.

Ethernet parameters

Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX monitors several Ethernet parameters.

Ethernet dropped frames (congestion) (EDFC)

The EDFC parameter counts the number of incoming Ethernet frames dropped at a specific LAN/WAN port due to buffer overflow. Buffer overflow occurs when the network is congested.

For LNW170, this count represents the number of frames that could not be transmitted on the specified port because of congestion. For all other circuit packs, this count represents the number of frames that could not be received on the specified port because of congestion. This parameter does not apply to the LNW74 circuit pack.

Ethernet dropped frames (errors) (EDFE)

The EDFE parameter counts the number of incoming Ethernet frames dropped at a LAN/WAN port due to a frame check sequence (FCS) error or another defect in the frame.

For the LNW73: this count represents frames received with invalid CRC on data port. For VCG, this count represents dropped GFP super-block frames due to CRC error.

This parameter is valid only for VCGs; not valid for LAN ports.

Ethernet dropped frames (policer) (EDFP)

This parameter is valid only for VCGs - not LAN ports. This parameter applies only to the LNW66 circuit packs.

Ethernet incoming number of bytes (EINB)

For the LNW73, ordered sets are not included in the count. This parameter is valid for the data ports only, not VCGs.

This parameter monitors the incoming number of bytes

Ethernet incoming number of frames (EINF)

This parameter monitors the incoming number of frames.

Ethernet outgoing number of bytes (EONB)

This parameter monitors the outgoing number of bytes. For the LNW73, ordered sets are not included in the count. This parameter is valid for the data ports only, not VCGs.

Ethernet parameters for LNW73 only

Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX monitors the following Ethernet parameters on the LNW73 pack.

Count of invalid transmission words received (INTXWD)

This parameter is valid for data ports only, not VCGs.

Count of instances for loss of signal detected (LOS)

This parameter is valid for data ports only, not VCGs.

Count of instances for sync loss detected (LSYNC)

This parameter is valid for data ports only, not VCGs.

Count of disparity errors received (DSPERR)

This parameter is valid for data ports only, not VCGs.

Count of received overflow frames dropped (RFOVD)

This parameter is valid for data ports only, not VCGs.

Count of transmit overflow frames dropped (TFOVD)

This parameter is valid for data ports only, not VCGs.

Count of transmitted frames with CRC errors (TFCRC)

This parameter is valid for data ports only, not VCGs.

Count of transmitted 10B_ERR errors (T10BERR)

This parameter is valid for data ports only, not VCGs.

Count of received single-bit error corrected GFP headers (RCORH)

This parameter is valid for VCGs only, not data ports.

Count of received uncorrected multi-bit error GFP headers (RCRCH)

This parameter is valid for VCGs only, not data ports.

Count of received single-bit error corrected GFP super-blocks (RCORF)

This parameter is valid for VCGs only, not data ports.

Ethernet parameters for LNW170 only

Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX monitors the following Ethernet parameters on the LNW170 pack.

Ethernet dropped green frames - congestion (EDFCG)

This parameter the number of green frames that could not be transmitted due to congestion.

Ethernet dropped yellow frames - congestion (EDFCG)

This parameter the number of yellow frames that could not be transmitted due to congestion.

Ethernet number of dropped frames-broadcast/multicast rate limit (EINDB)

Ethernet number of incoming unicast frames (EINFU)

This parameter is valid for data ports only, not VCGs.

Ethernet incoming number of multicast frames (EINFM)

Multicast frames are frames where the destination address has the group address bit set to 1.

Ethernet incoming number of broadcast frames (EINFB)

Broadcast frames are frames where the destination address is all 1s.

Ethernet outgoing number of unicast frames (EONFU)

Ethernet outgoing number of broadcast frames (EINFB)

Broadcast frames are frames where the destination address is all 1s.

Ethernet number of frames trapped to CPU (EINCP)

Broadcast frames are frames where the destination address is all 1s.

Ethernet number for frames received from CPU (EOCP)

Number of frames received from the CPU.

STP port role changed (STPROLE)

Number of times the STP port role changed.

STP port state changed (STPSTATE)

Number of times the STP port state changed, except to/from disabled.

STP root changed (STPROOT)

Number of times the bridge changed to/from being root.

BPDU timeout (BPDUT)

Number of occurrences of BPDU timeout.

BPDU incoming frames (BPDUI)

Incoming number of BPDU frames.

BPDU outgoing frames (BPDUO)

Outgoing number of BPDU frames.

BPDU dropped frames (BPDUD)

Number of BPDU frames dropped.

All of the above monitored parameters (ALL)

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