Performance monitoring reports

TCA summary report

Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX provides a report that lists the number of SONET performance-monitoring parameters that have crossed their thresholds. This report provides a snapshot of the system performance level. If there is signal degradation, it is quickly pinpointed so that corrective action may be taken before customers are affected, thus supporting proactive maintenance.

This report provides separate parameter summaries for each signal level in the system, including SONET section, line, and path, as well as dropped/incoming/outgoing Ethernet bytes and frames. The parameter summaries show the user which performance status to request if they want further information.

Performance status reports

These reports provide detailed information on the current and previous 8 hours in quarter-hour (15-minute) increments, as well as the current and previous day's performance. Threshold crossing alerts are clearly identified and the time the performance registers were last initialized is also shown. Any registers that may have been affected by this initialization are marked. There are separate reports for section, line, and path parameters, as well as Ethernet parameters.

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