Version/equipment list
Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX provides a full inventory report on all hardware and software currently installed.
Information provided
The version/equipment list provides the following information relative to circuit packs:
Circuit pack name
10-character CLEI code
6-digit equipment catalog item (ECI)
10-character apparatus code
6-character series number
12-character serial number (includes date and location of manufacture)
Program version (software generic) code
Program versions in dormant area.
The version/equipment list provides the following information relative to pluggable transmission modules (PTMs):
CLEI code
Date of manufacture
10-character apparatus code
6-character series number
12-character serial number (includes date and location of manufacture)
Manufacturer identifier
Module name
Module product ID
Reach (i.e. short, intermediate, long)
DWDM PTM frequency
PTM laser bias current (if available)
PTM optical power received (if available)
PTM optical power received type - Optical Modulation Amplitude or average power (if available)
PTM optical power transmitted (if available)
PTM transceiver temperature (if available)