Procedure 2-8: Apply software generic

- Overview

Use this procedure to apply (activate) a software generic currently in the Dormant area of an NVM in the LNW2.

- Privilege level

You must log in as a Privileged user to complete this procedure.

- Before you begin

Before performing this procedure,

  • Refer to Before you begin and Required equipment in this chapter.

  • Ensure that no loopbacks exist on the shelf.
    1. Select View → Loopback from the System View menu. Select Shelf from the View Loopbacks window, then click Select.

      Print or save the existing loopbacks to be released, then click Close.

    2. Select Fault → Analysis → Loopback from the System View menu. Expand the details in the Loopback window, select the port with the loopback to be released, then click Select. Select Release and the Loopback Type, then click Apply at the bottom of the Loopback window. Click Yes to the Warning message to release the loopback. Click Close to exit.


Do NOT insert circuit packs into the shelf until after the apply is complete. The apply is not complete if the Alarm List contains either a dormant/exec code mismatch or a waiting for download condition. Waiting for download indicates that there is at least one circuit pack that requires a firmware upgrade.


Complete the following steps to apply (activate) a Dormant or Previous software generic.


From the System View menu, select Configuration → Software → Apply Software.


The Apply Software window appears.


Select and/or enter the following information in the Apply Software window:

  1. From the Available Generics panel, select the software generic (Previous or Dormant) to be activated.

  2. From the Activation Scheduling panel, you can schedule the activation time and date in one of the following ways:
    • Select Install Immediately. The software installs as soon as possible after you click OK and accept the warning screen.

      This installation option cannot be cancelled.

    • Select Install In 15 Minutes. The software installs 15 minutes after you click OK.

    • Select Specify Install Date/Time and select the Year, Month, Date, and Time.

    You can provision the time format display for your WaveStar® CIT from the Network View by selecting View → Preferences and clicking the Display tab. This screen allows you to choose your preference for time format, either a 12-hour clock or a 24-hour clock.
    • If your time format preference is a 12-hour clock, select Hour: (0–12), Minutes: (0–59), and Seconds: (0–59) from the pull-down menus. You must also specify am or pm by selecting one of the radio buttons.

    • If your time format preference is a 24-hour clock, select the Hour: (0–23), Minutes: (0–59), and Seconds: (0–59) from the pull-down menus.

  3. From the Apply Type panel, select one of the following Types:
    • Smart (default): Upgrades the SYSCTL and smart circuit packs if the version of software on the circuit pack is different from the version of the dormant software generic.

      If the upgrade affects service on a smart OLIU circuit pack, the software apply (activation) command is denied.

    • Smart, Override Alarms: Upgrades the SYSCTL and smart circuit packs if the version of software on the circuit pack is different from the version of the dormant software generic.

      This also includes service-affecting upgrades to smart OLIU circuit packs.

  4. Click OK.

    A warning message appears asking you to confirm the execution of this command.

  5. Click OK to continue or Cancel to return to the Apply Software screen.

    While the Apply is in progress, two conditions appear in the Alarm List, install program IP (software is installing) and generic validation IP (the generic and the databases on the NVMs are being compared).


You can cancel a scheduled apply that was scheduled by selecting either Install In 15 Minutes or Specify Install Date/Time any time before the software applies. Select Configuration → Software → Apply Software menu, select the generic that is scheduled to install, select Cancel Install, and then click OK.


Approximately 15 minutes after the scheduled apply time, the apply is complete.

A flashing b in the IND display on the SYSCTL indicates that a boot is in progress.

When the confirmation screen appears, click OK.


The System View closes.


Establish a WaveStar® CIT session (depending on the physical connection used) and log in again to your Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMX shelf.


The title bars of the System View and the legal notice both reflect the current NE software generic, for example 9.1.0.


Procedure 14-2: Connect Personal Computer (PC) and establish WaveStar® CIT session


Is the Generic Software Version correct?




The generic was successfully installed on the SYSCTL. If necessary, the firmware on the smart circuit packs is now upgraded. In the Alarm List, the waiting for download condition is present for the circuit packs that are waiting for their firmware to be upgraded.

STOP! End of Procedure.


Contact your next level of support.

End of steps

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