Use this procedure as a reference to provision Ethernet Quality of Service (QoS). Refer to the section at the end of these steps for a detailed overview.
This procedure applies only to LNW70/LNW170 circuit packs.
To provision Ethernet Quality of Service for an LNW78, refer to Procedure 11-37: Provision Ethernet quality of service (QoS) - LNW78.
Prior to performing this procedure, refer to Before you begin and Required equipment in this chapter and you must have complete work instructions for this procedure that detail:
All the required regular Ethernet service parameters must have already been provisioned using the procedures in this chapter. This includes any packet rings, vlan tagging modes, customer vlan/port tags, virtual switches, and related LAN and VCG port parameters.
Use the following to provision a QoS service.
1 |
Use the WaveStar® CIT to log in to the Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMXtend shelf. Reference: Procedure 14-2: Connect Personal Computer (PC) and establish WaveStar® CIT session |
2 |
Use the Configuration → Equipment command from the System View menu, select the circuit pack, then select the port being provisioned. Click on the QoS tab. Provision the parameters, as required. Or, use the ed-eport/ed-vcg TL1 commands to provision the port parameters. Verify your settings, then click Apply. Read the warning message, then click Yes to execute the command. Click Close to exit. Repeat this step for each port in the network service. Reference: Procedure 11-8: Provision Ethernet LAN port parameters or Procedure 11-9: Provision VCG parameters |
3 |
Use the Configuration → Data → Provision QoS Service command from the System View menu, select the circuit pack, then select the port being provisioned. Or, use the ent-erate TL1 command to provision the QoS service parameters. Verify your settings, then click Apply. Read the warning message, then click Yes to execute the command. Click Close to exit. Reference: Procedure 11-24: Provision Ethernet QoS parameters End of steps |
Use as a reference to provision Ethernet Quality of Service (QoS).
The Alcatel-Lucent 1665 DMXtend uses the differentiated services (DiffServ) model for the QoS feature. Traffic flow to the network is regulated only at the ingress ports.
The DiffServ model has two types of ports:
A LAN/VCG port may be a boundary or interior port. Interior ports may not have a default VLAN ID or PortTag.
In addition to port types, ports may be assigned one of two port roles to control how tags are assigned/removed/processed:
Selection of these port parameters may be done using the ed-eport and ed-vcg TL1 commands, or Configuration → Equipment from the WaveStar® CIT system menu, selecting the port, then clicking on the QoS tab. Select the Port Type and Port Role.
A basic QoS service is defined as a particular traffic flow that uses a single traffic conditioner. A number of services can be provisioned at a Boundary port. Interior ports do not have traffic conditioners. The configuration of these services is defined as one of five traffic management modes (trafmgmtmd) . The mode specifies how the packets will be divided into traffic flows and the services that can be provided at the port. All services at one port must be in the same traffic management mode. The total number of QoS services on the LNW70/LNW170 circuit pack is 400.
The traffic management modes are defined as follows:
PORT mode - Allowed in all VLAN tagging modes and in Private Line mode. One QoS service per port, when higher layer protocol classification is not used (ED-EPORT parameter hlayercos is NONE). One QoS service per cos value per port when hlayercos is set DSCP (not available in Private Line mode). Applies to both LAN and VCG ports.
COSPORT mode - Allowed in 802.1TAG and TRANS mode. One QoS service and one TC for each Class of Service (CoS) at the port. Applies to both LAN and VCG ports.
TAGPORT mode - Allowed only in 802.1TAG mode. One QoS service and one TC for each packet tag (802.1q or CID) at the port. All traffic received at the port that is tagged with the same VLAN ID is processed by a single traffic conditioner. Applies to both LAN and VCG ports.
COSTAGPORT mode - Allowed only in 802.1TAG mode. One QoS service and one TC for each CoS for each packet tag at the port. Applies to both LAN and VCG ports.
NOTC mode - Allowed in all VLAN tagging modes and in Private Line mode. In this mode all traffic is bridged through the switch as usual but there is no traffic conditioning performed on the traffic. NOTC mode emulates the (limited) QoS behavior on the older circuit packs (user_priority values 0 ,1, 2 and 3 are mapped to CoS 0 and user_priority values 4, 5, 6 and 7 are mapped to CoS 3; no modification of user_priority bits in user packets).
Selection of these port parameters may be done using the ed-eport and ed-vcg TL1 commands, or Configuration → Equipment from the WaveStar® CIT system menu, selecting the port, then clicking on the QoS tab. Select the Traffic Management Mode.
Data packets classified at the ingress port result in unique traffic flows. Multiple flows can be mapped into a single Class of Service (COS). There may be up to four classes of service (CoS level 0, 1, 2, 3) supporting expedited forwarding (EF) and assured forwarding (AF) service. Class 3 supports expedited forwarding, low latency. Classes 0, 1, 2 support various degrees of assured, guaranteed, forwarding including best effort.
Selection of these parameters may be done using the ent/ed-erate TL1 commands, or Configuration → Data → Provision QoS Service from the WaveStar® CIT system menu, then selecting the port.
Traffic conditioning is performed on the ingress packets at Boundary Ports by metering the packets and either marking or policing as appropriate. This is used to enforce the guarantees and limitations specified in a Service Level Agreement (SLA). Within the network, queueing and scheduling functions provide a network that is engineered to satisfy all of the attached customers’ SLA requirements. There is no traffic conditioning on Interior ports.
Traffic Conditioner Parameters
Traffic Conditioner (TC) parameters include PIR, CIR, PBS, and CBS.
PIR - Peak Information Rate. This is the peak information rate of the traffic conditioner function in Mbps. This is the PIR for the service addressed by the trafmgmtmd, port aid, tagid and cos. Value is from 0 to 10000. A value of 0 means that the PIR function is bypassed and there is no policing of the traffic. The value of PIR must be greater than or equal to CIR.
CIR - Committed Information Rate. This is the committed information rate of the traffic conditioner function in Mbps for the service addressed by the trafmgmtmd, port aid, tagid, and cos. Value is from 0 to 10000. The value of cir must be less than or equal to pir. A value of 0 means that there is no network commitment on incoming traffic. All traffic will be considered excess traffic
PBS - Peak Burst Size. This is the peak burst size in kilobytes for the service addressed by the trafmgmtmd, port aid, tagid, and cos. Value is from 1 to 255.
CBS - Committed Burst Size. This is the committed burst size in kilobytes for the service addressed by the trafmgmtmd, port aid, tagid, and cos. Value is from 1 to 255. The value of CBS must be less than or equal to PBS. In case of Private Line (vlantagmd set to NOTAG), the CBS value cannot be set (it inherits the PBS value).
Selection of these parameters may be done using the ent/ed-erate TL1 commands, or Configuration → Data → Provision QoS Service from the WaveStar® CIT system menu, then selecting the port.
Metering, Policing, and Color Marking
Metering measures the data rate with conformance levels determined by three color markers:
Policing discards red packets at the boundary ports. The remaining yellow and green packets determine drop precedence (DP).
Packets ingressing at boundary ports are remarked. Packets user priority is altered to reflect COS and DP. The COS is encoded in the 2 most significant bits in the user_priority field of the VLAN tag. The DP is encoded in the least significant bit in the user_priority field of the VLAN tag. In COSPORT or COSTAGPORT mode, user priority bit values map to the specified COS value. It is a map consisting of 8 elements left-to-right in increasing order of user priority, where each element specifies whether the user priority value maps to COS (1) or not (0).
The following bitmap shows which of the 8 user priority values map to the current COS:
In TAGPORT mode, the traffic class is set for all packets that ingress the port with a tagid and sets the COS value that will be inserted into the packet on entry into the DiffServ domain (that is, ingressing at a Boundary port). The COS value is inserted into the user_priority bits.
In PORT mode, the traffic class is set for all packets that ingress the port and the COS value is set based on the default priority of the port. The COS value is inserted into the packet on entry into the DiffServ domain (that is, ingressing at a Boundary port).
Selection of these parameters may be done using the ent/ed-erate TL1 commands, or Configuration → Data → Provision QoS Service from the WaveStar® CIT system menu, then selecting the port.
Queue Management
Each port supports configurable thresholds expressed as a percentage of the total queue allocation. Each queue is controlled by setting the size of the queues, the queue weights and the drop thresholds for yellow and green packets. The performance of each CoS level is controlled by setting the dropping probabilities for each CoS level. Traffic that was admitted into the network within the terms of a Service Level Agreement (SLA) can be differentiated and given preferential treatment at the queue in order to satisfy the SLA service guarantees.
Selection of these port parameters may be done using the ed-eport and ed-vcg TL1 commands, or Configuration → Equipment from the WaveStar® CIT system menu, selecting the port, then clicking on the QoS tab. Select the Traffic Management Mode.
The following TL1 command (WaveStar® CIT) parameters determine the maximum queue size and the minimum and maximum dropping thresholds for yellow and green packets:
qminthldg - Minimum dropping threshold for green packets. Green Packet Min Drop Threshold (in %)
qmaxthldy - Maximum dropping threshold for yellow packets. Yellow Packet Max Drop Threshold (in %)
qminthldy - Minimum dropping threshold for yellow packets. Yellow Packet Min Drop Threshold (in %)
The following TL1 command (WaveStar® CIT) parameters specify the weighting factor used by the queue service algorithm for the AF queue for packets coming from network or customer ports. EF packets are given strict priority over AF packets.
qwt_ntwkAF - Weighting factor for the queue that serves AF packets from network ports. Network Port AF Queue Weighting Factor
qwt_custAF - Weighting factor for the queue that serves AF packets from customer ports. Customer Port AF Queue Weighting Factor
The following TL1 command (WaveStar® CIT) parameters determine the maximum drop probability for COS 0, 1, 2, 3 packets:
qdropwt0 - Specifies maximum drop probability for COS 0 packets. CoS 0 Packets Drop Probability Mark (in %)
qdropwt1 - Specifies maximum drop probability for COS 1 packets. CoS 1 Packets Drop Probability Mark (in %)
qdropwt2 - Specifies maximum drop probability for COS 2 packets. CoS 2 Packets Drop Probability Mark (in %)
qdropwt3 - Specifies maximum drop probability for COS 3 packets. CoS 3 Packets Drop Probability Mark (in %)
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