To diagnose a CSPF failure

General information

When a CSPF highlight request fails, perform this procedure to highlight the links within the specified routing domain that meet or do not meet the specified constraints.

Note: A message is displayed in the Diagnose CSPF Failure window if the source or destination IP address is invalid.


Run the CSPF highlight request by performing To highlight the constrained shortest path between two IP addresses . The Diagnose CSPF Failure window appears if the configuration is invalid.

Perform one or more of the following:

  1. Click on the Retry button to close the Diagnose CSPF Failure window and reopen the Highlight CSPF Request form. Configure the parameters, as described in To highlight the constrained shortest path between two IP addresses .

  2. Click on the Details button to open a read-only copy of the Highlight CSPF Request form and view the configured parameters.

  3. Click on the Qualified Links button to highlight the links in the routing domain that meet the configured constraints. This button is enabled only when the routing domain is known, that is, the source and destination IP addresses are valid.

  4. Click on the Unqualified Links button to highlight the links in the routing domain that do not fulfill the configured constraints. This button is enabled only when the routing domain is known, that is, the source and destination IP addresses are valid.

Click on the OK button to close the Diagnose CSPF Failure window.

End of steps

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