To highlight PTP Peers in a Sync Domain

General information

This procedure only applies to IEEE 1588 PTP Synchronization-enabled NEs.


Choose Tools→Synchronization Manager from the NFM-P main menu. The Synchronization Manager form opens.

Click on the Search button. A list of Synchronization Domains (ptp) is displayed.

Select the required Synchronization Domain and click on Properties. The Synchronization Domain (Edit) form opens, with the General tab displayed.

Click on the PTP Peers tab and then the All sub-tab.

Click on the Search button. A list of IEEE 1588 PTP Peers is displayed.

Select a PTP Peer entry from the list.

Click on the Navigate button and then on IGP View: Highlight PTP Peers(s) from the contextual pop-up.

The IGP Topology map is displayed and the PTP Peers and their paths are highlighted. An information message is also displayed.

To remove the path highlights, refer to To manage active highlights on a topology map .

End of steps

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