To highlight the bidirectional shortest path between two IP addresses


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Topology_typeIGP_Administrative_Domain from the NFM-P main menu. The appropriate IGP topology map opens.

Note: The highlighting of bidirectional shortest paths between two IP addresses is not supported on OSPFv3 topology maps.

Perform one of the following:

  1. Right-click on the map and choose Highlight→Paths→IP→SPF from the contextual menu. The Find Object form opens. Continue to Step 3 .

  2. Right-click on a router and choose Highlight SPF from the contextual menu. The Find Object form opens with the value of the First IP parameter populated. Go to Step 4 .

Configure the First IP parameter or use the Select button to select a router if the source IP address is a router.

Configure the Second IP parameter or use the Select button to select a router if the destination IP address is a router.

Note: Alternatively, you can press the Ctrl key and click on a source and destination router or link, right-click and choose Highlight Bidirectional SPF from the contextual menu. The First IP and Second IP parameters are configured with the IP address of the selected routers.

Click on the OK button. The Find Object form closes and the bidirectional SPF is highlighted on the topology map.

To remove the bidirectional SPF highlight, perform To manage active highlights on a topology map .

End of steps

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