To perform a highlighted path audit


Create a highlight on a topology map, as described in To highlight the shortest path between two IP addresses to To highlight LSP paths .

Click on the Legend button at the top of the topology map and choose Highlight Sessions from the contextual menu. The Legend-topology form opens with the Highlight Sessions tab displayed.

Select and right-click on the highlight that you want to audit and choose Audit→ Path Resource Audit from the contextual menu. The Execute - Path Resource Audit form opens.

Configure the Stats Capture Delay (s) parameter.

Configure the Threshold parameter for the following audit parameters, if required:

  • Utilization

  • Interface Error

  • Ethernet Error

  • Section - Severely Errored Seconds

  • Section - Severely Errored Framing Seconds

  • Line - Severely Errored Seconds

  • Total Drop

  • In Profile Drop

  • Out of Profile Drop

Click on the Execute button to begin the audit. The Execute - Path Resource Audit form closes and the Legend - Topology form reappears.

Note: The audit may take several minutes. The icons on the topology map indicate the audit status. Click on the Icons tab on the Legend - Topology form to view the icon definitions.

To cancel the audit, select and right-click on the highlight for which you want to cancel the audit and choose Cancel Audit from the contextual menu. Alternatively, choose Application→Task manager. The Task Manager form opens. Choose the audit task and click on the OK button to open the Task form. Click on the Cancel Task button and confirm the cancellation.

On the Legend - Topology form, right-click on the audited highlighted path and choose Show Audit Results from the contextual menu. The Audit Results form opens.

Note: Alternatively, right-click on a highlighted link and choose Show Audit Results from the contextual menu. The Audit Results form opens with the results from the audit on the highlighted link that you selected.

Close the Audit Results form.

Clear the audit results, if necessary, by right-clicking on the audited highlighted path on the Legend - Topology form and choosing Clear Audit Results.


Close the Legend - Topology form.


Close the topology map.

End of steps

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