To view discovered ASN information


Perform To retrieve BGP information from a CPAA to retrieve BGP AS information from a CPAA.

Choose Tools→Route Analysis→BGP Network Data from the NFM-P main menu. The BGP Network Data form opens.

Choose ASN (CPAM: Topology) from the object drop-down menu and click on the Search button. A list of discovered ASNs appears.

Choose an entry and click on the Properties button. The ASN (Edit) form opens.

View the following information:

  • discovered AS number

  • BGP CPAA that discovered the AS

  • confederation BGP AS number that discovered the AS, if applicable

  • segment type:

    • SET — unordered set of ASs that a route in the UPDATE message has traversed

    • SEQUENCE — ordered set of ASs that a route in the UPDATE message has traversed

    • CONF-SEQ — ordered set of member-AS numbers in the confederation that the UPDATE message has traversed

    • CONF-SET — unordered set of member-AS numbers in the confederation that the UPDATE message has traversed

  • indicator of whether the value configured for the Depth Value for Retrieve AS Path parameter has been met

  • number BGP routes that originate from the AS

  • number of hops away from the BGP CPAA

Close the ASN (Edit) form.

Close the BGP Network Data form.

End of steps

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