To view BGP RIB information


Perform To retrieve BGP information from a CPAA to retrieve BGP AS information from a CPAA.

Choose Tools→Route Analysis→BGP Network Data from the NFM-P main menu. The BGP Network Data form opens.

Choose BGP RIB Info (CPAM: Topology) from the object drop-down menu and click on the Search button. A list of BGP RIB information entries appears, including entries for the following RIB attributes:.

  • NextHop

    the next hop in the AS path to the destination

  • MED

    The multi-exit discriminator metric that is used to differentiate between multiple exit points to the same peer AS


    An attribute communicated to IBGP peers that is used to set preferences among multiple routes to the same destination.


    ID of the router that originated the route into the AS

  • PEER

    BGP peer information

Choose an entry and click on the Properties button. The appropriate properties form opens with the following information:

  • NextHop

    • timestamp of retrieval

    • BGP AS number

    • IP address of next hop

    • number of routes exchanged

  • MED

    • timestamp of retrieval

    • BGP AS number

    • MED value — a lower value is preferred

    • number of routes


    • timestamp of retrieval

    • BGP AS number

    • LOCAL-PREF value — a higher value is preferred


    • timestamp of retrieval

    • BGP AS number

    • ID of router from which routes originate

    • number of routes from originating router

  • PEER

    • timestamp of retrieval

    • BGP AS number

    • peer IP address

    • number of routes exchanged

Close the properties form.

Close the BGP Network Data form.

End of steps

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