To view L2-VPN route targets


Perform To retrieve BGP information from a CPAA to retrieve BGP AS information from a CPAA.

Choose Tools→Route Analysis→BGP Network Data from the NFM-P main menu. The BGP Network Data form opens.

Choose L2-VPN Route Target (CPAM: Topology) from the object drop-down menu.

Click on the Search button. A list of timestamped L2-VPN RT entries appears.

Choose an entry and click on the Properties button. The L2-VPN Route Target (Edit) form opens with the General tab displayed.

View the following information:

  • RT

  • CPAA AS number

  • CPAA confederation number, if applicable

  • number of routes

  • timestamp of retrieval

  • RT format — AS (2 Byte ASN), AS (4 Byte ASN), or IP Address

  • RT AS value, if applicable

  • RT extended community value, if applicable

  • IP address of the RT, if applicable

  • RT community value, if applicable

Click on the Advertising Next Hops tab.

Choose an entry and click on the Properties button. The Next Hops (Edit) form opens.

View the following information:

  • IP address of the next hop

  • L2-VPN route count


Close the Next Hops (Edit) form.


Close the IP VPN Route Target (Edit) form.


Close the BGP Network Data form.

End of steps

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