To view BGP AS path topology


Perform To retrieve BGP information from a CPAA to retrieve BGP AS information from a CPAA.

Choose Tools→Route Analysis→BGP Network Data from the NFM-P main menu. The BGP Network Data form opens.

Choose BGP Autonomous System (CPAM: Topology) from the object drop-down menu and click on the Search button.

Select a non-confederation BGP AS and click on the BGP AS Path View button. A dialog box appears.

Click on the Yes button. The BGP AS Path View - BGP_AS_Name window opens, as displayed in Figure 10-6, BGP AS Path View window .

Figure 10-6: BGP AS Path View window
BGP AS Path View window

The text displayed on the topology map under an ASN link is the following:

R / T, NH d.d.d.d


  • R is the number of BGP routes that originate from the AS

  • T is the total number of BGP routes

  • NH d.d.d.d is the IP address of the next hop

For example, 8/200000, NH indicates that eight BGP routes originate from the ASN, and that the total number of BGP routes is 200 000 BGP. The next hop is

Note: Next hop information is displayed only on links that are one hop away from the BGP CPAA.

The text displayed on the topology map under a BGP CPAA AS icon is the following:



  • CPAA is the ID of the confederation BGP CPAA, for confederation ASs

  • ASN is the BGP CPAA AS number, for BGP CPAA ASs

The text displayed on the topology map under a BGP CPAA AS-discovered ASN icon is the following:



  • ASN is the AS number of the autonomous system discovered by the BGP CPAA

Configure the BGP AS path view filter to adjust the maximum number of ASs and number of hops displayed on the map, if necessary. Perform the following:

  1. Click on the Configure Display Filter button at the top of the display window. The Configure Display Filter form opens.

  2. Configure the parameters:

    • Maximum Number of ASes — the maximum number of ASs to display on the map

    • Maximum Number of Hops From This AS — the maximum number of hops from the CPAA-monitored BGP AS to display on the map

  3. Click on the OK button. The Configure Display Filter form closes.

  4. Click on the Reload topology view from database button at the top of the display window. A dialog box appears.

  5. Click on the Yes button. The dialog box closes and the topology view is reloaded with the filter parameters applied.

Double-click on an ASN icon. The ASN (Edit) form opens.

View the following ASN information:

  • the discovered AS number

  • the BGP CPAA that discovered the AS

  • the confederation BGP AS number that discovered the AS, if applicable

  • segment type:

    • SET — unordered set of ASs that a route in the UPDATE message has traversed

    • SEQUENCE — ordered set of ASs that a route in the UPDATE message has traversed

    • CONF-SEQ — ordered set of member-AS numbers in the confederation that the UPDATE message has traversed

    • CONF-SET — unordered set of member-AS numbers in the confederation that the UPDATE message has traversed

  • indicator of whether the value configured for the Depth Value for Retrieve AS Path parameter has been met

  • the number BGP routes that originate from the AS

  • the number of hops away from the BGP CPAA

Close the ASN (Edit) form.


Double-click on an ASN link. The ASN Link (Edit) form opens.


View the following ASN link information:

  • the AS numbers of the originating AS and terminating AS

  • the BGP CPAA that discovered the AS

  • the confederation BGP AS number that discovered the AS, if applicable

  • the next hop, if the AS is one hop away from the BGP CPAA

  • the number BGP routes that originate from the AS

  • the number of hops away from the BGP CPAA


Close the ASN Link (Edit) form.


Close the BGP AS Path View - BGP_AS_Name window.


Close the BGP Network Data form.

End of steps

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