To associate a VPRN service with a BGP route profile

General information

Events retrieved by a BGP route profile may match events from one or more VPRN services. A profile-service association will associate committed profiles with VPRN services that feature matching rules. These associations can be freely deleted after creation.


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Route Profiles from the NFM-P main menu. The Route Profiles form opens.

Choose IP VPN BGP Route Profiles and click Search.

Choose an entry and click Properties. The BGP Route Profile (Edit) form opens.

Click on the Associated Services tab and click Create. The VPN BGP Route Profile Service Association (Create) form opens.

Configure the Validate Service Against Profile parameter.

Perform one of the following:

  1. Select the VPRN service by configuring the parameters:

    • SVC Mgr Service ID

    • Service ID

    • Service Name

  2. Select a VPRN service in the service panel.

Save your changes and close the forms.

End of steps

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