To list all incoming alarms

General information

The dynamic alarm list allows you to monitor all incoming alarms, as displayed in the following figure:

Figure 3-1: Dynamic alarm list
Dynamic alarm list

Ensure that the Alarm Table tab in the Alarm Window at the bottom of the NFM-P client GUI is selected.

Right-click on an alarm entry row.The contextual alarm menu appears.

Handle the alarms according to your company alarm policies.

For example, to acknowledge an alarm and then delete the alarm:

  1. Choose Acknowledge Alarm(s) from the contextual menu.

    The Alarm Acknowledgement form appears.

  2. Modify the Severity and Urgency parameters, as required.

  3. In the Acknowledgement Text parameter, enter data about the alarm, according to your company alarm policies.

  4. Click on the OK button.

  5. Confirm the action.

    The Ack column in the alarm row indicates that the alarm is acknowledged.

  6. Right-click on the alarm entry row.

    The contextual alarm menu appears.

  7. Choose Delete Alarm(s) from the contextual menu to delete the alarm.

    Caution: You cannot recover a deleted alarm unless you store alarms in the alarm history log. Perform To store alarms in an alarm history log and view alarm history logs to store the alarm in the history log.

  8. Confirm the action. The alarm is deleted.

End of steps

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