Sample BGP network statistics configuration


The following figure shows a sample BGP network:

Figure 11-1: Sample BGP network
Sample BGP network

In Figure 11-1, Sample BGP network , a, b, c, d, e, and f identify interface IP addresses (Next Hop). AS100 receives VPN-IPv4 routes from AS1, AS2, AS3, AS4, and AS200 for two route targets, RT1 and RT2. It also receives IPv4 from AS1, AS2, AS3, AS4, and AS200. In this example, ASBR routers R1, R2, R3, and R4 do not use the BGP routing command next-hop-self—they do not send their own IP address as the next hop.

BGP statistics for RT and next hops

The CPAA collects the BGP statistics listed in Global BGP and  Next hop for global BGP and per RT for each Next Hop for global BGP and for each RT.

BGP statistics are collected for the following:

BGP statistics for originated AS

The CPAA collects the statistics, which are listed in BGP originated AS for each originated AS. If autonomous system AS200 advertises BGP routes and to AS100, the CPAA receives these two routes and collect the BGP statistics for AS200 as the originating AS.

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