To create a retention policy for BGP statistics

General information

Perform this procedure to configure a policy for statistics retention. By default, statistics are retained for 24 h. You can create a retention policy for each MIB object.


Choose Tools→Statistics→Statistics Browser from the NFM-P main menu. The Browse Statistics form opens.

Choose one of the following from the Select Object Type menu:

  • BGP Stats-Originated AS (CPAM:Topology)

  • BGP Stats-Route Target and Next Hops (CPAM:Topology)

Choose Statistics Policy from the Statistics Type menu and click on the Search button.

Choose an entry and click on the Properties button. The Statistics Policy - Topology.Bgpobject_type form opens with the General tab displayed.

Configure the parameters:

  • Retention Time (hours)

  • Administrative State

  • Threshold Reporting State

Click on the Thresholds tab button. The Thresholds tab contains a threshold parameter for each counter in the statistics class.

Configure the threshold parameters. When a statistics counter threshold is exceeded, the CPAM raises a threshold crossing alarm.

Click on the OK button. A dialog box opens.

Click on the Yes button. The Statistics Policy form closes.


Close the Browse Statistics form.

End of steps

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