To create a CPAA backup policy

General information

When the NFM-P performs a CPAA configuration backup, it transfers files to itself from the CPAA.


Choose Administration→NE Maintenance→Backup/Restore from the NFM-P main menu. The Backup/Restore form opens.

Click on the Backup/Restore Policy tab, then click on the Create button. The Backup Policy (Create) form opens.

Specify whether the backup function is enabled.

  1. Enable the Enable Backup parameter.

  2. Disable the Enable Backup parameter. The remaining parameters on the form cannot be configured. Go to Step 10 .

Configure the parameters:

  • Policy ID

  • Auto-Assign ID

  • Name

Ensure the Policy Type is set to SR Based Node.



Service Disruption

When you use the NFM-P client GUI to restore a CPAA configuration and you disable the Auto-Reboot After Successful Restore parameter, there is a risk that the bof.cfg file may be overwritten in the following situations:

  • when a user performs “bof save” using CLI on the CPAA

  • If there is a gap between a restore and a reboot, perform a “show bof” to ensure that another user has not performed a “bof save”.

Specify whether to perform a reboot after the configuration is restored to the device by specifying the Auto-Reboot After Successful Restore parameter.

You can schedule backups based on a time interval or on the number of CPAA configurations performed from the NFM-P server. Configure the backup triggering parameters:

  • Scheduled Backup Scheme

  • Scheduled Backup Interval

  • Scheduled Backup Sync Time

  • Scheduled Backup Threshold (operations)

  • Auto Backup Scheme

  • Auto Backup Threshold (operations)

Configure the Backup Settings parameters:

  • CLI Config File Mode

  • CLI Config Save Details

  • CLI Debug Save Config File Mode

  • Boot Option File Mode

  • File Compression

Note: In addition to enabling the CLI Debug Save Config File Mode parameter, you must specify the location of the debug configuration files in the nms-server.xml file.

Configure the parameters in the Backup Purging panel. Backup purging parameters allow you to specify the number of backup files kept. These settings allow you to eliminate manual monitoring and deletion of backup files. The purge criteria can be the number of files, the age of the files, or both.

  • Auto-Purge Scheme

  • Number of Backups

  • Maximum Backup Age (days)


Click on the OK button to save the backup policy. The Backup Policy (Create) form closes.


Assign the policy to CPAAs as required.

  1. Select the new policy in the list and click on the Properties button. The Backup Policy (Edit) form opens.

  2. Click on the Backup/Restore Policy Assignment tab.

  3. Select one or more CPAAs in the Unassigned Sites list and click on the right-pointing arrow to move them to the Assigned Sites list.

  4. Click on the OK button. The Backup Policy (Edit) form closes and a dialog box appears.

  5. Click on the Yes button. The policy is assigned to the NEs.


Close the Backup/Restore form.

End of steps

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