To highlight a simulated historical LSP path record


Perform To open a scenario to open a simulation topology map.

Right-click on the map and choose MPLS Model from the contextual menu. The SIMULATION-MPLS Model form opens.

Choose Simulated LSP (CPAM:Simulated Topology) from the object drop-down menu.

Specify a filter for the search, if required, and click on the Search button. A list of simulated LSPs appears.

Choose an entry and click on the Properties button. The Simulated LSP - SIMULATION (Edit) form opens with the General tab displayed.

Click on the Path Records tab button.

Choose an entry and click on the Navigate button on the right side of the form.

Choose Historical LSP Path from the contextual menu. The appropriate path is highlighted on the topology map.

Close the Simulated LSP - SIMULATION (Edit) form.


Close the SIMULATION-MPLS Model form.

End of steps

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