To manage impact analysis sessions

General information

Perform this procedure to view and manage impact analysis sessions. You need the appropriate scope of command role to perform this procedure.


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Simulated Impact Analysis from the NFM-P main menu. The Simulated Impact Analysis form opens.

Click on Session (simulator) in the top-left panel.

Specify a filter for the search, if required, and click on the Search button. A list of sessions appears.

To view a session, select the entry and click on the Properties button. The Session (Edit) form opens with the General tab displayed with the following session details:

  • session ID

  • start time

  • user name

Click on the Properties button in the Scenario panel to view the scenario configuration. The Scenario - scenario_name (Edit) form opens with the General tab displayed.

Close the Scenario - scenario_name (Edit) form.

To delete a session, select the entry and click on the Delete button. A confirmation window opens.

Click on the Yes button. A dialog window opens.

Click on the OK button. A warning window opens.


Click on the OK button.


Close the Simulated Impact Analysis form.

End of steps

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