To resync the multicast network

When to use

Perform the following procedure to resynchronize all of the multicast network objects in the CPAM with the NFM-P. Nokia recommends that you resync the entire multicast network before you perform any operation on the multicast map.


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Multicast Manager from the NFM-P main menu. The Multicast Manager form opens.

Click on the Search button. A list of multicast domains appears.

Choose a domain and click on the Properties button. The PimDomain (Edit) form opens with the General tab displayed.

Click on the Resync All from Network button. A dialog box appears.



Equipment Damage

Resynchronizing the network may take several minutes, depending on the size of the network.

Click on the Yes button to resynchronize all of the routers in the PIM domain with the NFM-P.

End of steps

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