To create a P2MP LSP test policy

General information

The number of test results that are maintained by the CPAM is configured separately from the number of path records. The CPAM deletes historical results and historical path records at different intervals. Consider the following when you create a P2MP LSP path test policy and view associated path records or results:

  • A test result that is associated with a path record may be deleted before the path record is deleted.

  • A path record may be deleted before the associated test result.

  • Both the path record and the test result may be deleted simultaneously.


Choose Tools→Service Test Manager (STM) from the NFM-P main menu. The Service Test Manager form opens.

Click on the Create button.

Choose Create Test Policy from the Create contextual menu. The Test Policy (Create) form opens.

Set the Entity Type parameter to P2MP LSP.

Configure the parameters:

  • ID

  • Auto-Assign ID

  • Name

  • Description

  • Strategy

  • Ignore Probe Results

Click on the Test Definitions tab button.

Click on the Add button to add a test definition to the test policy. A menu appears.

Choose one of the following from the contextual menu:

  • MPLS→Add P2MP LSP Ping

  • MPLS→Add P2MP LSP Trace

The P2MP LSP test_type Definition (Create) form opens with the General tab displayed.

Configure the parameters:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Administrative State

  • NE Persistent

  • Target Type


Click on the Test Parameters tab button.


Perform one of the following:

  1. If you are creating a P2MP LSP Ping Definition, configure the parameters:

    • Number of Test Probes

    • Probe Interval (seconds)

    • Probe Timeout (seconds)

    • Size (octets)

    • Time To Live

    • Forwarding Class

    • Forwarding Profile

  2. If you are creating a P2MP LSP Trace Definition, configure the parameters:

    • Number of Test Probes

    • Probe Interval (seconds)

    • Probe Timeout (seconds)

    • Size (octets)

    • Initial Time to Live

    • Maximum Time to Live

    • Forwarding Class

    • Forwarding Profile


Click on the Results Configuration tab button.


Perform one of the following:

  1. If you are creating a P2MP LSP Ping Definition, configure the parameters:

    • Probe History Size (rows)

    • Test Failure Threshold

    • Probe Failure Threshold

    • Trap Generation

  2. If you are creating a P2MP LSP Trace Definition, configure the parameters:

    • Probe History Size (rows)

    • Maximum Failures

    • Trap Generation


Click on the Threshold Alarms tab button.


Click on the Create button. The Threshold Event Definition (Create) form opens.


Click on the Threshold Alarms tab button to configure threshold crossing alarms for test policies, test definitions, and assurance tests. An alarm is raised when a threshold is crossed, either because the value rose above or fell below the configured level. Configuring threshold crossing alarms on a test definition within the test policy creates a threshold definition that applies to generated tests.


Click on the Create button. The Threshold Event Definition (Create) form opens.


Perform the following:

  1. Configure the parameters.

    • Type

    • Generate Alarm on Rising Threshold

    • Clear Alarm on Falling Threshold

    • Update Test Result Status

    • Include Falling Threshold

  2. Click on the Rising Threshold tab.

  3. Configure the Threshold Value parameter.

  4. Click on the Falling Threshold tab.


    The Falling Threshold tab can be accessed only when the Include Falling Threshold parameter is enabled on the General tab of the Threshold Event Definition, (Create) form.

  5. Configure the Threshold Value parameter.

  6. Click on the OK button. The Threshold Event Definition, (Create) form closes and a dialog box appears.

  7. Click on the OK button. The dialog box closes and the test appears on the list.

  8. Repeat 1 to 7 to configure threshold events on additional tests.


Perform Step 6 to Step 9 to add additional OAM tests to the policy.


Click on the OK button. The P2MP LSP test_type Definition (Create) form closes and a dialog box appears.


Click on the OK button. The dialog box closes and the test definition appears in the list of test definitions.


Repeat Step 8 to Step 21 .


Click on the OK button. The Test Policy (Create) form closes.


Close the Service Test Manager form.

Note: To associate a test policy with an IP path monitor, LSP path monitor, or P2MP LSP path monitor, see Chapter 8, Path and prefix monitoring .

End of steps

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