To configure an OAM test execution policy


An OAM execution policy specifies a hold time and priority for the Auto OAM test (the STM Policy) assigned to a path monitor.

The hold time determines how quickly a test is performed after a path reroutes. The CPAM delays test execution for the configured hold time to prevent multiple tests from generating while paths are unstable or rerouting repeatedly.

The priority level for the associated path monitor helps to determine which paths are first to undergo a test. The CPAM feature set uses an internal mechanism to manage Auto OAM test generation. The configurable Priority parameter allows some user control over which tests are performed first, and for which paths. For example, a user may prioritize tests on IP paths over LSP paths.

OAM execution policies are assigned to path monitors during path monitor configuration. If no execution policy is assigned, default values are used.


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Path and Prefix Monitoring from the NFM-P main menu. The Path and Prefix Monitoring form opens.

Choose OAM Execution Policy (Monitored Path) in the object drop down.

Click Search, choose a policy in the list, and click Properties, or click Create and choose Execution Policy from the menu. The OAM Execution Policy (Create|Edit) form opens.

Configure the required parameters.

For the Priority parameter, lower numerical values indicate higher priority. For example, a value of 0 establishes high priority; a value of 7 establishes low priority.

Save your changes and close the forms.

End of steps

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