To highlight the results of an OAM trace diagnostic on a topology map from the NFM-P Service Test Manager


Choose Tools→Service Test Manager (STM) from the NFM-P main menu. The Manage Tests form opens.

Choose Test Suite (Assurance) from the object drop-down menu.

Specify a filter for the search, if required.

Click on the Search button.

Choose an entry and click on the Properties button. The Test Suite (Edit) form opens with the General tab displayed.

Click on the Results tab. The Test Suite (Edit) Filter form opens.

Specify a filter for the search and click on the OK button. The Test Suite (Edit) Filter form closes.

Select a result entry.

Click on the Navigate button to select a topology map view.


The appropriate topology map appears showing the network objects and the highlighted results.


To remove the highlights, right-click on the map area and choose Clear from the contextual menu.


Close the topology map view.


Close the Test Suite (Edit) form.


Close the Manage Tests form.

End of steps

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