To configure the size constraint limit for path monitor records

Before you begin

Configuring the path monitor record size constraint option allows you to define the disk space allocated to historical path monitor (LSP/IP) data that is stored within the system. When the size constraint limit is reached, the CPAM deletes the oldest records to make room for the most recent records.

For production networks where the total number of combined IP/LSP path monitors created within the system is less than 5000, Nokia recommends using the size constraint default setting of 1024 MB.

Where more than 5000 combined (IP/LSP) monitors are created within one system, Nokia recommends setting the path monitor record size constraint to 10240 MB.

A minimum configurable size constraint of 128 MB is provided for lab testing purposes for small networks with approximately 10 NEs, where only a few hundred combined path monitors are created within a system.


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Path and Prefix Monitoring from the NFM-P main menu. The Path and Prefix Monitoring form opens.

Click on the Size Constraint button. The MonitoredPathManager - monitor-path-mgr (Edit) form opens.

Configure the Path Monitor Record Size Constraint parameter.

Click on the OK button. A dialog box appears.

Click on the Yes button. The dialog box and the MonitoredPathManager - monitor-path-mgr (Edit) form close.

Close the Path and Prefix Monitoring form.

End of steps

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