To create LSP path monitors for multiple LSP paths


Choose Manage→MPLS→Dynamic LSPs from the NFM-P main menu. The Manage Dynamic LSPs form appears.

Specify a filter for the search, if required, and click on the Search button. A list of Dynamic LSPs appears.

Using the Ctrl key, select the Dynamic LSPs that you want to monitor.

Note: The CPAM creates a path monitor only for the Dynamic LSPs that do not already have a path monitor.

Click on the Monitor button and choose Create LSP Monitor from the contextual menu. A dialog box appears indicating the number of monitors that may be created or that may exist.

Click on the OK button. The dialog box closes and the Select Path Types dialog box appears.

Choose the path types that you want to monitor and click on the OK button. The Select Path Types dialog box closes and the CPAM creates administratively enabled path monitors.

To view the path monitors, perform the following:

  1. Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Path and Prefix Monitoring from the NFM-P main menu. The Path and Prefix Monitoring form opens.

  2. Choose LSP Path Monitor (Monitored Path) from the object menu.

  3. Click on the Search button. The LSP path monitors are listed.

  4. Close the Path and Prefix Monitoring form.

Close the Manage Dynamic LSPs form.

End of steps

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