To retrieve a filtered IGP prefix list



Equipment Damage

Generating a filtered prefix list may impact performance of the CPAM, depending on the size of the network.

Note: It can take up to 10 minutes to retrieve a filtered prefix list. During this time, no other retrievals can be performed. A warning message appears if another user attempts to perform a retrieval during this time. Any user can cancel the retrieval process. See To cancel an ongoing retrieval for information.


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Prefix List from the NFM-P main menu. The Prefix Form opens.

Choose IGP Prefix List Filter and click Search. A list of prefix list filters appears.

Choose a prefix list filter and click Properties. The IGP Prefix List Filter form opens.

Click Retrieve IGP Prefix and choose the IGP administrative domain on which you want to generate the prefix list from the contextual menu.

Click on the IGP Prefix Retrieval tab and click Search. A list of retrieved IGP prefixes appears.

Choose a retrieved IGP prefix and click Properties. The Retrieved IGP Prefixes form opens.

Click on the IGP Prefix Info tab and click Search. A list of IGP prefixes appears.

Choose an IGP prefix and click Properties. The IGP Prefix form opens.

Review the information and close the IGP Prefix form.


Save your changes and close the forms.

End of steps

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