To retrieve a filtered BGP prefix list



Equipment Damage

Generating a filtered prefix list may impact performance of the CPAM, depending on the size of the network.

Note: It can take up to 10 minutes to retrieve a filtered prefix list. During this time, no other retrievals can be performed. A warning message appears if another user attempts to perform a retrieval during this time. Any user can cancel the retrieval process. See To cancel an ongoing retrieval for information.


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Prefix List from the NFM-P main menu. The Prefix Form opens.

Choose BGP Prefix List Filter (CPAM:Topology) and click Search. A list of prefix list filters appears.

Choose a prefix list filter and click Properties. The BGP Prefix List Filter form opens.

Click Retrieve BGP Prefix and choose the AS or sub-AS on which you want to generate the prefix list from the contextual menu.

Close the BGP Prefix List Filter form.

Click on the BGP Prefix Retrieval tab and click Search. A list of retrieved BGP prefixes appears.

Choose a retrieved BGP prefix and click Properties. The Retrieved BGP Prefixes form opens.

Click on the BGP Prefix Info tab and click Search. A list of BGP prefixes appears.

Choose a BGP prefix and click Properties. The BGP Prefix form opens.


Review the information and close the BGP Prefix form.


Click on the BGP AS-PATH tab and click Search. A list of BGP AS paths appears.


Choose a BGP AS path and click Properties. The BGP AS-Path form opens.


Review the information and close the BGP AS-Path form.


Save your changes and close the forms.

End of steps

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