To perform an RCA audit on an ISIS configuration in an IGP administrative domain


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→CPAM Audit Manager from the NFM-P main menu. The CPAM Audit Manager form opens.

Choose Audit Policy (RCA) from the object drop-down menu and click on the Search button.

Choose an RCA Audit ISIS entry from the list.

Perform one of the following:

  1. Click on the RCA Audit button and choose All from the contextual menu. A dialog box appears. Go to Step 6 .

  2. Click on the RCA Audit button and choose Backbone from the contextual menu. A dialog box appears. Go to Step 6 .

  3. Click on the RCA Audit button and choose Area from the contextual menu. The Select ISIS Area form opens. Continue to Step 5 .

Choose up to five areas from the list and click on the OK button. A dialog box appears.

Click on the Yes button. The CPAM Audit form appears.

Choose the completed audit and click on the Details button. The CPAM Audit Result (View) form opens. See To view completed RCA audit results for information about viewing completed RCA audit results.

Close the CPAM Audit Result (View) form.

Close the CPAM Audit Manager form.

End of steps

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