To override a non-routed edge discovery policy for a routing interface

General information

You can override non-routed edge discovery policies for specific routing interfaces in order to prevent network interfaces from being included in discovery calculations and from appearing on topology maps.


Choose one of the following.

  1. Navigate to a routing interface from the navigation tree:

    1. Choose Routing from the navigation tree view selector.

    2. On the navigation tree, expand Network→Router→Routing Instance.

    3. Right-click on a routing interface object and choose Properties. The Network Interface (Edit) form opens.

  2. Navigate to a routing interface by using an object manager:

    1. Choose Manage→Networking→Routing Instances from the NFM-P main menu. The Manage Routing Instances form opens.

    2. Choose Network Interface (Routing Management: General) and click Search.

    3. Choose an entry and click Properties. The Network Interface (Edit) form opens.

Configure the Show Link In IGP Topology parameter.

Save your changes and close the forms.

End of steps

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