To list objects using a selected link


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Topology_typeIGP_Administrative_Domain from the NFM-P main menu. The topology map opens.

Right-click on an expanded link and choose List Objects Using this Link. The List Objects Using this Link form opens.

Note: To expand a link group, right-click on a link group and choose Expand Group.

Click on any of the following tabs:

  • IP Path Monitors—to view IP path monitors whose last record includes the segment on the selected IGP link

  • Dynamic LSPs—to view dynamic LSPs whose last monitored record has the selected IGP link as one segment. Only LSPs that are being monitored are listed.

  • Service Tunnels—to view service tunnels using the link

  • Services—to view services using the link

  • Composite Services—to view composite services using the link

Close the form.

End of steps

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