How do I plot a telemetry chart?



Service Disruption

The name of an object, including subscriptions, baselines, indicators, templates, and chart profiles, cannot contain a semicolon (;) or backslash (\).

The use of these characters in an object identifier will result in corrupted data that must be deleted by Nokia support.

Before you begin

When you create a telemetry chart, you configure a telemetry filter for real-time display. For historical data to be displayed, the filter you create must match an existing subscription with database storage enabled; see How do I manage subscriptions?.

The chart retrieves historical data from the database, then streams data using the new filter to create a graph. Visualizations does not stream from the database, and the filter created in Visualizations does not save to the database.

Visualizations times out if telemetry data is not received. The time-out limit is either double the collection interval or two minutes, whichever is greater.

Create a chart

Open the New Chart window:

  • From Data Collection and Analysis Visualizations, Telemetry Charts, click png2.pngCHART.

  • From Data Collection and Analysis Management, Subscriptions, choose a subscription and click png1.png(Table row actions), Open in Data Collection and Analysis Visualizations.

In the window that opens, configure the parameters in the top panel:

  1. Configure the Collection Interval parameter. If you are using NFM-P telemetry data, verify that the collection interval is long enough to allow time for Visualizations to receive the data before timing out.

  2. From the Time Range drop-down list, choose the amount of historical data to display.

  3. Click Combine charts to plot data from multiple data series on the same chart.

Click png2.pngDEFINITION.

The telemetry and resource filter definition panels are displayed.

Enter information in the Telemetry Type field. As you type, the field filters for available telemetry types to match your input.

Choose the telemetry type from the list of matches.

Choose counters to display from the Counters drop-down list.

In the Object Filter field, enter filtering information to filter the collected data.

If you need to save the configuration as a chart:

  1. Click SAVE AS.

  2. In the window that opens, enter a name for the chart and add a description if needed.

  3. Click SAVE.

The chart is added to the list.

Click PLOT.

End of steps

Plot an existing chart

To plot an existing chart with no changes:

  1. Open Data Collection and Analysis Visualizations, Telemetry Charts.

  2. Choose a chart and click png1.png (Table row actions), Chart.

To edit a chart and plot it, choose the chart and click png1.png (Table row actions), Edit.

Edit the parameters as needed and click PLOT.

End of steps


Visualizations displays a chart view showing the streaming data. While data is streaming, you can configure the Group by parameter in the upper left of the chart view to change how the data is grouped or click Configure in the upper right to view or change the configuration of the chart.

Click png4.png(Chart Details) to open the Chart Details panel on the right side of the chart view to show details about the resources.