How do I plot an indicator chart?
Service Disruption |
The name of an object, including subscriptions, baselines, indicators, templates, and chart profiles, cannot contain a semicolon (;) or backslash (\).
The use of these characters in an object identifier will result in corrupted data that must be deleted by Nokia support.
Create a chart
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Open the New Chart form:
From Data Collection and Analysis Visualizations, Indicator Charts, click CHART.
From Data Collection and Analysis Management, Indicators, choose an indicator and click (Table row actions), Open in Data Collection and Analysis Visualizations.
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In the window that opens, configure the parameters in the top panel as needed:
From the Time Range drop-down list, choose the amount of historical data to display.
Click Combine charts to plot data from multiple data series on the same chart.
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Add indicator resources.
If a file icon appears in the Multiple column, the indicator resources are aggregated for the calculated KPI. Click to add it to the chart.
If a folder icon appears in the Multiple column, the KPI is calculated at the resource level for the indicator. Add resources.
Choose an indicator and click Select Resources .
Choose a resource and click Add .
Choose up to 10 indicator resources and click ADD at the bottom right of the window.
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If you need to save the configuration as a chart:
Click SAVE AS.
In the window that opens, enter a name for the chart and add a description if needed.
Click SAVE.
The chart is added to the list.
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Click PLOT.
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Plot an existing chart
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To plot an existing chart with no changes, choose a chart and click (Table row actions), Chart .
To edit a chart and plot it, choose the chart and click (Table row actions), Edit .
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Edit the parameters as needed and click PLOT.
End of steps |
Visualizations displays a chart view showing the KPI data. From the chart view, you can change the information displayed: choose a different time range, click Configure to change the list of indicators, or click More
, Combine charts to toggle between a combined chart for all selected indicators and separate charts.
(Chart Details) to open the Chart Details panel on the right side of the chart view to show details about the resources.
Hover over any point on the chart to see measured values at the indicated point. Hover over the far right edge of the chart to show the configured thresholds.