Creating an indicator chart


This use case shows how to use NSP to chart an indicator.

The following prerequisites have been completed:

  • The indicator we need has been created.

  • The indicator has been operating for at least one window duration.


From Data Collection and Analysis Management, Indicator Charts, we’ll create a chart.

Configure the time range parameter. To display multiple indicators on the same chart, enable the Combine Charts check box.

Click png2.pngINDICATORS.

In the Add Indicators form, choose the indicators to chart and click Add. The indicator we want to add has a file icon in the Multiple column, so the resources are aggregated and there is no need to select resources. We can just choose the Ring Ingress Util indicator and click Add.

If you want to save the configuration for future use, click SAVE AS and enter a name for the chart.

Click PLOT to plot the chart.

End of steps

We’re done

Visualizations displays a chart for the indicator.

The dotted lines shows the thresholds. Threshold crossing events are indicated with dots.

View the figure